It is theoretically possible to charge someone with assault for spitting on someone else. I don’t argue the sentiment implied, I think Sulkowicz played this with incredible poise and restraint.
It is theoretically possible to charge someone with assault for spitting on someone else. I don’t argue the sentiment implied, I think Sulkowicz played this with incredible poise and restraint.
Here’s where I get a little confused about the outrage: Out of all the horrible things that have occurred in the show, THIS is what ends it for so many people? The Red Wedding, where a pregnant woman was slaughtered, didn’t end it for them? Theon getting flayed didn’t end it for them? All of the abuse that Sansa…
Have you seen the future episodes? I am sure the writers thought long and hard about why they needed to add the rape scene. Which was off camera by the way. It would have been pretty harsh to actually show it and the writers were sensitive to that fact.
Sorry, I’m not normally pedantic, but you attack Dunks, you attack my religion.
Look, I get it. The local place down the street with the hipster barista rockin’ the ironic Rollie Fingers mustache serves a great free-trade coffee grown in the northern slopes of Upper Southeast Colombia. But he scowls at me HARD…
I don't want a large Farva, I want a goddamn liter of cola!
(Editor’s Note: I have serious feels about “Tall” being the name for a fucking Small and “Grande” being a goddamned Medium. Fuck you, Starbucks, I will order a Large, not a Venti, and you will FUCKING LIKE IT)
Right? Maybe she just put a decimal in the wrong place
This isn’t a bad celeb story, this is just the obituary I found for FRANCOIS ZEN POET (since the author edited out the name of the town. I will do likewise, though it isn’t hard to find out there on the internet, obviously). I thought the story was incredibly touching. Thanks for sharing, gatorades! :
A note on PPH in my city — absolutely amazing!
Our one true President, Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made. Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and…
Josiah Bartlet.
Now several young brides from Kilkenny
Please don’t do this. Please. You do NOT have to use every last molecule of mascara. Buy the small tubes or multi packs and discard them after two months. Staph infection, pink eye, etc. Just not worth it as a money saver and very bad advice.
I was hoping they would call it the Real Housezombies of Los Angeles
Did you read the article or watch the video? Because that would help.
Yes, what is this world coming to when employees can refuse service to customers simply based on their own religious beliefs? I’m assuming, of course, that next he’s going to go after the pharmacists and pharmacy techs who refuse to supply customers with birth control and Plan B. Right? Riiiiight?
I’m sick of those gazebos. I don’t flaunt my str8zebo status in front of them all the time.
Make sure you patch test! Coconut oil works wonders for many but it is considered comedogenic and can clog pores and cause breakouts.
It’s Monday, I had a long weekend where allergies kicked my ass, and I am currently writing a proposal that is going to suck away a good chunk of my day. I will admit that it took me until I got to this point in the comments to figure out what a cup of chino was supposed to be.