
If she would just smile! I get why Victoria Beckham doesn't smile - it's her thing. But I look at old pics of Kim and she was so much prettier au naturel and smiling. I can't believe I give half a shit about that.

I think I'd like it more if it was just slightly darker so it didn't contrast so much with her complexion and eyebrows. I think it would also be nice if she made her eyebrows slightly lighter, perhaps with make-up as I've heard some people are wary of bleaching hair so close to the eyes. But I kind of like it.

I like it too! I think the initial shots with it slicked back weren't super flattering, but the above photo looks pretty cool. I'm into it. Throw some red lipstick on her and it'd look pretty Gwen Stefani-ish.

1. Most women don't care what you think about their make up. The meaning of life isn't in pleasing men.

Why bother with it? Because it's fun. And because changing the way you look depending on the time or day or season or decade can be a great way to express creativity, in the same way that getting a different haircut or changing clothes can make life less boring. And because emphasizing or de-emphasizing certain

Dang, that does suck. Maybe make a day-off date with yourself and wear it then? Even just to go shopping? Or put it on the minute you shut the office door behind you, to brighten the ride home? Any humble pretext will do, say I...

I really don't understand this statement. Fighting is a different animal than those other sports, and in many cases requires more stamina, strength, training, and smarts under pressure. Which if you've ever been in a fight, organized or not, is extremely hard to do. In fact, I hope you'd do more research than dismiss

Sport: an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.

I know who's getting a Howler next.

"a normal haistyle?" We're doing this now?

I can generally tune out yelling like a boss, but when he started dropping the "bitch" and "cunt" bombs in that particular tone and throwing shit??

Let's start with one finger. I'm not sure I'm up for more than that.

Yeah, that was rich. I hate people like him.

Sooooooooo beauty-full!! Thank you for posting.... Hope he recovers with ease.....

My daughter doesn't even know the words to it and she's almost 48.

Every cat I know who has had this done has been *so much better* afterwards. Good luck to you both!

I felt like I was reading one of those "liek dis if u cry evrytim" stories on Facebook

Forever. You'll never be able to get rid of it.

Thinking back, I'm not sure I actually loved the boyfriends I thought I loved. I think I was more just trying to convince myself that I did because it was that or admit I didn't and break up. I'm not actually sure I love my husband some days. MAYBE I'M A MONSTER WHO CAN'T FEEL LOVE. This survey is making me question