Idk if its good or not, but I use the shampoo samples I get to wash my brushes. (I use the conditioner side to shave with).
Idk if its good or not, but I use the shampoo samples I get to wash my brushes. (I use the conditioner side to shave with).
I love the Target brand Up and Up brushes. They feel soooo soft, and wash really well. They’ve gotten some great reviews from the youtubers I watch. The elf brushes are good, but I feel they can be kinda chinzy and cheap feeling, depending on the brush.
I don’t know how ppl use fingers either. Seems it would get soooo streaky. I use a buffer brush on that shit. I wear a full face daily, I couldn’t fit it into a makeup bag. Unless the bag was the size of a large purse.
Makeup... Bags? I have a makeup TABLE. I would need a large duffle bag to fit all my makeup. A makeup bag, to me, is when I travel and have to pare it down enough to have all my based covered, but still have enough variety for a weekend away. And bags to me are more trouble than their worth if you’re trying to cut…
YES! During that whole stare-down between Jon Snow and the frozen baddie I was like “uh... The shore is only like 15 ft away from you and there’s like 300 snow zombies. ROW.THE.FUCK.FASTER! Or at least ask that adorable giant to pull you out! Jesus, you know nothing Jon Snow!
I love Arya’s story line. She’s learning to be a badass secret assassin so she can go back and murder the ppl on her gotta-murder list. She’s a medieval Kill Bill and I love her.
I thought that was interesting that the pro-gun south is more dangerous. But it is also more prone to deadly natural disasters like tornadoes and hurricanes, so it might not necessarily be all gun based.
I think the hardest thing is just working with teenagers, period. The sexual issues don’t even effect me much, its not something that’s addressed much. They usually have multiple behavioral issues, and those are what makes it hard. I get called a bitch, and yelled at on an almost daily basis.
Kids who have already offended.
I’d still have to argue that having toddlers bend over in front of a camera to a song about big butts is highly questionable.
I know I can’t be the only one who finds the Honest Diaper Company commercials disturbing. Kids in diapers, bending over in front of a camera, to a song about big asses (Megan Trainor’s All About that Bass). I work with teenage pedophiles, so I may be sensitive, but you know some people ply LOVE that commercial for…
They usually have seasonal stick solar lights (right now they’re flags, but I’ve seen snowflakes too). They’re not bright enough to light a yard, but they are bright enough to make a path, and I take them camping to put around my site so ppl don’t walk into tent stakes or trees in the dark.
I don’t see anything wrong with her questioning if she’d fight a trans person, from the perspective that the early testosterone can be a big help to body building. She also said she wouldn’t fight a female who is well known for juicing bc its an unfair fight, so similar arguments that she’s been consistent on.
During the first Obama election cycle, Third Eye Blind did a tour of PA colleges to get the vote out for him. The band did a Q&A beforehand, and this annoying republican girl tried taking the lead singer Stephen Jenkins to town on his politics, pretty much failing. After she dominated the conversation and he failed…
All I could think was “Ke$ha”.
The transmission in my 2010 Corolla S shit itself at 80,000 miles. Fuck that.
Any interview I’ve heard with him made him seem pretty well adjusted and level headed. Not just for a rapper/musician, but as a normal person. I’d have to side eye this one too.
That waist-training article quotes Kourtney as saying it helped her lose weight. Does that even work? Seems like it would just be a temporary slimmer while you have it on, just a regular girdle.
I have really hooded eyes, so its hard to see my looks. This youtuber is one of my faves, and she’s an aesthetician so she’s great for skin info.
I used to watch these DNA shows. I think the highest number of men tested for one child that I ever saw was something like in the 30’s. 30-some men in a few week period. At a certain point, girl... Just stop that shit.