
I went into it knowing it would be ridiculous, but my friend wanted to go and I figured it would be a good for a laid-back night out. We both ended up laughing most of the way through (as did most of the other people in the theatre). You know when you watch a cheesy horror movie and the characters do such

I actually watched this movie, and this literary faux pas went right over my head. Now I feel like quite the dumbass. I must have been laughing too hard at the ridiculousness of this movie to notice.

is she carrying a pink Motorola Razor in the one pic? She's taking decade old fashion to the extreme.

that's absolutely fucking horrifying. I change my answer. Ill fuck the beachball.

fuck the shark, cause that would be some good ass banging

they needed a study to tell you this? Just visit me any day of my life. Boom, study completed.

OMG I just posted the same thing. It's uncanny. But I did also just watch The Interview, so its fresh in my mind.

is it just me, or is he channelling Seth Rogen and James Franco with that beard? Especially in the middle pic where he's wearing glasses. It's like those mashup pics where you can see what 2 ppls kids would look like, but the 2 ppl are Rogen and Franco.

my first attempt to make weed brownies, my friend and I were using this really nasty dirt weed. I wouldn't even call it weed. It wasn't good for anything else, so we figured it wouldn't hurt to try. We put some vegetable oil on the stove and crumbles the shit weed into it and let it simmer for awhile before we

ill give you a vagina massage. And ill only charge you $40. What a deal!

man, to find one of those in a dusty barn and cash in... I figured the one we saw was just a replica, but it was still such a random find haha.

I was in Hawaii with a gf about 5 years ago. We were hiding from our friends dad and looking for an empty level in a parking garage to smoke a joint in. We're find an empty level, and go around the corner to light up. And lo and behold, right there is the Ghostbusters ambulance. I still have no clue why it was in an

I don't want to ask myself that. Because every day would be like "nope. Nothing fucking mattered". Then I'd feel even worse.

I'm ok with dropping the "maybe" and say they absolutely should lose them. I understand the dynamic of abusive relationships, and how women often don't leave for various reasons, even though to an outsider it seems like the obvious choice. And I'm being gracious here, I didn't read the original article, but this

thank you for that info. You would think I'd know more about racing since I live ten minutes from the NASCAR track in Watkins Glen, but I've never watched a race.

question: I thought you weren't supposed to move someone because of potential head and neck injuries. But because of the way the cars are modified, is there a higher chance of explosions after wrecking?

I know this is about sex pants, but no one else I know is watching The Fall. I adore Gillian Anderson, but idk how I feel about this show. I keep watching it, but I'm eh on it. I'm almost done a season 2.

after we banged, he commented that he couldn't find the used condom he had thrown on the floor. He then said casually "oh, I guess my dog ate it"... I GUESS MY DOG ATE THE USED CONDOM. I said "that doesn't worry you?" He says "no, he does that sometimes"... HE DOES THAT SOMETIMES! Wrong on so many levels.

have you tried "I ate something that disagreed with me earlier, so I'm letting my stomach rest"? If someone said that to me, I certainly wouldn't ask any follow up questions for fear of hearing poop-related tmi.

Not gonna lie... My buddy owns a Mexican restaurant with a similar layout to chipotle (start at one end and add toppings as you go), and for some reason he refuses to stock black olives. I love black olives, so I walk my ass in there with a container of black olives and have him put them on my nachos #sorrynotsorry