
I think I’m the only person on the planet who thinks sloths are creepy as hell. ._.

We get none of those because no one enjoys your “late night” shows.

That Hulk GIF is already making me feel better! I’ll add my favorite:

She literally paid the police off to beat the shit out of miners and covered it up, used legal means to turn the BBC into a propaganda factory, took milk from schoolkids, and agreed to have US nukes on British soil.

Quick! Scientists! Build us a machine to send us all to the universe where Michelle is no.45! I WANT TO BE THERE INSTEAD.

The kind of person who would support someone who would let everyone suffer because his tantrums weren’t enough to pass a shitty healthcare bill

Harry has always been The Cute One.

I don’t know who Jordy is but I am worried about her boobs.

The composition of this photo is offputting. Is it the dead smile? Is it the tacky grandma couch and pillow? Is it her beige skirt or the square shoulders of her blouse? Is it the staging, as if the couch was moved to the Lincoln Memorial for this photo? Is it that the Baby is supposed to be the focus here but instead

Right. And I believe that this is the reason that so many Jewish and Muslim ‘conversos’ fled to England and its environs! Specifically from the Iberian Peninsula. But this would have been five centuries ago.

English is something! (And you got me before I edited my statement [almost immediately]: realising that I was reaching). When you are a hammer, everything is a nail: part of my ancestry is Moorish via Portugal, and they first escaped to England, before coming to the United States. They only intermarried with other

Tangentially, has anyone else tried watching the new season of GBBO yet? It’s not quite as bad as I feared though I’m not enjoying the new comedian hosts (individually neither are terrible, but they don’t have much chemistry together). New Mary is pretty good. Not as good as Mary Berry herself obviously, but not bad

Now playing

Just for context according to him he was dressed up for an ‘Allo ‘Allo themed party.

“Kelly was spotted aiming a pistol at his head and muttering, ‘No. Not yet.’”

Thank you for these regular updates. I’ll admit to no small amount of Schadenfreude over watching the Brexiteers trip over their own dicks to fall face-first into the steaming heap of shit they dumped on the EU.

I am not really much of a kid person but I really do love this kid’s resting bitch face.

No one, and I mean no one, condescends like the Littlest Tyrant! I wish he’d hurry up and seize power in a bloody coup already!

1) Keeping daddy from sundowning

i JUST came down here to say the exact same thing.

This and she wants to convey her own importance. Like, she’s super busy with shit you don’t even know about, but she can also just walk into a high-level meeting whenever she wants. Just an unsubtle reminder that she and Dad are a package deal.