
I completely agree with you, but also: I LOVE your username! All hail Terri queen of chaos ...

Now playing

You have to watch the second part of the top video posted above: “Egyptology leads to ... Deathology!”

Wow, that’s really interesting! I don’t think we tend to really think of that element of history and migration here because we only had the Inquisition for a couple of years while Mary I was queen and married to Philip II of Spain, and then stopped all that nonsense and went back to persecuting Catholics instead (this

It’s possible, but seriously, we get really excited in this country whenever someone has non-British ancestors (crazy little island people, as a German friend of mine says). I think I broke an American friend once when she was going through her Irish, German, Portuguese, Welsh, Scottish, and Native American ancestry,

It took me a while to warm to Prue Leith, and much as I love Sandi Toksvig, I’m not sure she necessarily works as a double-act with Noel Fielding, though she’s fine chatting to bakers on their own. Before the series started, I was a bit concerned about how Noel Fielding would fit into Bake Off, because I love him, but

There was actually an episode of the UK version of Who Do You Think You Are? which featured him, and it was surprisingly interesting. I wasn’t going to watch it because I think Paul Hollywood’s a bit of a tosser, but got sucked into it anyway because it got interesting fairly quickly. They found that there was a

Fucking Matthew. I hope they don’t try to make him less of a dismissive, self-centred twat in the TV show because I am ready to hate-watch that fucker.

My mum and I adopted our dog last year after my dad died from one of the biggest animal shelters in the UK, and they had a big ring-binder labelled, “REASONS NOT TO HAVE A HUSKY”, because so many people come in wanting huskies, and then they have to explain why they have so many huskies to re-home in the first place

As this was Putney Bridge, I’m guessing that if this guy owns anything Burberry, it’ll be one of those expensive raincoats, or maybe luggage. It’s an affluent area; I would imagine that if he’s local (which he probably is, relatively speaking, if he’s out on a morning run), this man is probably on a pretty high salary

This would have been from the rear-facing camera of another bus, yes. As far as I’m aware, all London buses (and, I would imagine, buses everywhere in the UK) have cameras filming on all sides, partly to help the driver see what’s around the bus in traffic, but also in case of accidents or emergencies. Generalising

My dad died of bladder cancer a couple of years ago, but about a month or so before he died, he starting rambling a little or getting fixated on things that weren’t happening. He was pretty chill about it when we pointed this out, probably because of all the morphine, but when he saw the palliative care consultant

Really? Wow, and I thought I was exaggerating!

You know he paid at least £6 for a pint at London Bridge. God damn it if you’re not going to get your money’s worth for that kind of daylight robbery just because Daesh come calling.

You’re right, I did phrase it poorly in my original post. It stuck in my mind because it was just one of a fair number of things this lady said which turned out to be wildly exaggerated, inconsistent, or just plain false, which she used to paint herself as a victim in some way, and which objective facts made

No word of a lie, I once had the misfortune to go on a study tour to Egypt with a woman who had some interesting ideas about things (e.g. she was British Jamaican but claimed to be Jewish on her father’s side - which didn’t really wash with the president of the university Jewish Society, who was in some of my classes

That is glorious.

Ugh, this was so bad. What struck me most about it, as it happened about five minutes before the end of the episode (during which even more pressure was heaped on Elizabeth, already struggling to cope with getting to grips with reality), was that Elizabeth is in a very vulnerable position by the time Ross kicks in the

My dad died of bladder cancer last year, and it’s a nasty way to go, as it takes away your dignity as well as your health. Poor Bob. I’m glad he’s all right now. That was a beautiful story, thank you.

I always remember the fifth of November because it’s my birthday. It’s a pretty good birthday to have in the UK - free fireworks courtesy of everyone, and you’ve always got big bonfire parties with hot dogs and cinder toffee and baked potatoes to go to. I always associate the smell of fireworks, smoke and hot dogs and

I LOVE Call me Risley (because he is the worst), so I just came here to say that I appreciate your Wolf Hall reference. But ugh at your co-worker, that’s always so awkward.