
It is weird, but I'm just glad there seem to be so many of us!

Yeah, this is exactly what I have! At the time, it's like I'm dreaming, tum-de-tum, and then suddenly the snapshot comes along in really clear focus, and my brain kind of goes into overdrive, like, "Pay attention, you need to remember this!" And then I'll probably forget all about it until whatever I've seen in the

Oh, yeah, totally - I never talk about this to anyone, because I just feel like I would sound stupid saying, "I saw this moment in a dream," partly because, you know, claiming to see the future in dreams sounds ridiculous, but also because most of the snapshots I get are nothing really significant, and I suspect most

Yeah, it's never anything actually useful, or usually anything significant, unless it's a really strong snapshot, like in a kind of mental super-high-definition. Like, the example I gave of wondering what colour the guy's eyes were was unusually strong, so when I met him and got that sense of deja vu, and then

Premonitions are a really weird one. I've never had any as terrifying as yours, but every so often, in the middle of dreams which I otherwise never remember after I wake up, I get sudden totally out-of-context snatches of a scene which I remember very vividly after I wake up. These only last maybe a second at the

I'll join you in the Won't Be Sleeping All Week After Bingeing Scary Stories Posts Club!

Oh my gosh! My mother's cousin - known and disdained in the family as a selfish, womanizing idiot - once met a girl from the next town whilst on holiday in Italy, and for some reason God only knows, pretended to be an Australian surfer dude the whole time. We only found out about this when they were telling it as

Some people do, but most other people would probably consider anylevel of interest/investment in the royal family higher than casual interest/indifference outside of special occasions to be kind of extreme. I quite enjoy discussing this with friends and colleagues from outside the UK, to hear what they make of the

Not just ancient Egyptians - body hair is still viewed as unclean, or at least kinda gross, in Egypt today, especially (surprise, surprise) on women; though I do know some particularly hairy men who are made fun of by their friends for this, though generally not in a malicious way. So the vast majority of ladies in

I swear by this stuff - I kind of have the same thing, because I tend to work in the field in summer in Egypt, which gets pretty damn hot (I don't speak Fahrenheit, but we get highs of upwards of 45C), and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that my trusty Aromaco still actually more or less worked. The smell of

Courtney Stodden feasted upon a vegetarian hot dog while clad in a lettuce bikini, as we all have.

That's brilliant! I'll remember that one, thanks!

Wow. So now, when people ask me what I do, instead of telling them I'm an Egyptologist, I can be all like, "Oh, I dabble in black magic." THIS IS SO COOL.

search efforts scouring the South China Sea could be digging in the wrong place.

I know this is meant to be serious, but nice vintage Christina Aguilera reference.

I always found it a bit weird. Like Hermione's a perfectionist high achiever, and in real life, she would want someone impressive, someone as smart as her, or even smarter, someone who would support the causes she was most passionate about (the advancement of House Elf rights and wizarding law reform to promote

Ugh, yes, group photos are so awkward, I have exactly the same problem. I love being around people who are taller than me, though - it feels like quite a luxury to be the shortest person in the room once in a while ...

I know how you feel there. It's really hard to break that sort of habit, especially if the habit gets formed as a result of a social-awkwardness situation - I went through a phase of trying to make myself look as small and insignificant as possible, and it was difficult to get out of that. Sometimes I still find

I completely agree - I love being this height, but I definitely wouldn't want to be much taller, especially when it comes to things like clothes (although in the UK, we are actually quite fortunate in terms of the number of decent high-street clothes shops that cater well for taller women). I think the thing of me

It's true. I'm 5'10", and when I was at school, most of the rest of my group of friends were in the 5'2" - 5'6" height range, and it made me feel so awkward, because I stuck out from them so much. My mother swears it affected my posture (and still does, to a certain extent, when I'm around those friends), because