Kat with a K

Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.

Dude, it's the smart ones who are upset. You should go say that to the weirdos who actually think Trump is a legitimate option. Good luck reaching them though- they probably don't know how to use the Internet and have their TVs programmed to Fox and some sportsball channel. Also, I feel compelled to second the guy who

Personally, I blame the American military… Poor, mistreated ARPANET… It never had a chance.

Also protection for when they meet the man of their dreams and then meet his beautiful wife… We don't need no senile, filthy rich, Fox fans with knives around beautiful wives, amiright?

I'm sure all of their formal training in literary techniques comes from Alanis.

Their usual audience would never understand irony, no matter how clear.

Can truth even exist anymore? Is any of this real? I'm floating in an infinite abyss of uncertainty… Thanks Fox - I mean, Obama? Abandon hope.

Not trying to say that furries didn't exist before fairly recently… Cuz I have no clue. But I imagine that movie had a LOT to do with their coming into existence.

Pocahontas is totes the hottest, then Esmeralda, then Meg. Mulan is cute as hell, but a bit too into family honor to be quite hot, if you ask me. Which you didn't.

I'm uncertain if I can roll my eyes far enough to convey how I feel about this.

The majority of the population who is incapable of critical thought which encompasses that percentage of geniuses who like Entourage.

Not nearly enough response to the cringey cheer leading routine, so here's mine:
I wish I could go back in time and tell them that it was a terrible idea. I feel for the poor student body that had to sit through that… Deeply.

It seems the time has gotten stale.

More importantly, it's goddamn fun to watch.

Well, that just makes you a monster.

Me too. My headcanon is very important to me. How else am I supposed to shoot leaden balls at those who anger me? Certainly not with a regular cannon.

Who cares if it's mischaracterization of her comment? It's for fun. It may be an overblown response, but really- it's an Internet comments section and I really wasn't trying to harm anybody or upset poor truth seekers. I was entertaining myself. So however you took my statement, I wasn't aiming to offend. Sorry I was

I agree with you there. I just have a feeling that the media attention to those revelations and responses is somewhat calculated and attention grabby. It's not like she responds so that this stuff won't get noticed.

She said she regretted putting them together and that she should have gone with her initial intention of Harry and Hermione winding up together. I was using hyperbole for comedic effect. Apparently it fell flat for you. My apologies.

But the tweet just came at the right time. If they could control a fan tweet to be released at a better time, they probably would. No use wasting a publicity opportunity that just crops up.