Kat with a K

That's the thing. She obviously can't let the material go, so do us all a favor and quit fixing what ain't broke and write something new.

I edited my post to be more clear. I know she's been saying this for a while. But taken in aggregate with all the other shit she keeps releasing and announcing that gets blown up by her people, it is thoroughly irritating.
Dumbledore's gay, cool, thanx for the info.

Publicists involved in hyping the new screenplay and junk are not so slyly attempting to keep Harry Potter in the public eye so that they still care by the time they release Fantastic Beasts. She probably doesn't care, but her agent sure does.

C'mon. I am a stupidly devoted fan, but quit it with the new goddam info. It's so obviously a desperate attention grab by the people involved with the property and it's starting to sour me on the author.

Am I the only one who feels the urge to defend Trumps (totally real) hair?
I mean… When I think about the entertainment value it possesses- it truly is culturally important.

If you're looking for reasons why the prequels suck… Give me a bit. I could probably write a whole book on it. It won't be knee-jerk at all.

It's only a matter of time before that "some" becomes "all".

Great. It has been just long enough since I agonizingly reached the end of the last book for me to have forgotten that I vowed never to read another. I'm ready for this.

FACT: Aquaman will never need a movie. But that doesn't mean he won't get one.

Or about a depressed addict and called it Stuporgirl. It would win a ton of Emmys. I just know it.

Well, she certainly is the only good Katara.

I like to mix the two and then go cry in a closet.

When I heard audio of this event on NPR yesterday in the middle of rush hour traffic, I channeled all of my road rage into shouting "You bitches don't deserve R.E.M.!" It served no purpose, but I felt that there must be some protest for using that song. Thanks R.E.M. Luv u.

Does this mean we are forgiving him for The Last Air Bender? Because I gotta admit, I'm not ready. I'll never be ready.

While the response is appropriate, I take umbrage with being called filth, even with Stabler's growl in mind.

She looked great with that short hair.

Was I really that off-putting in my initial response?

Ugh- I'm not defending the stupid documentary or the "aggression on both sides angle", I'm saying that the fucking review was complaining about the same thing everybody else is- Nazi's shouldn't get the same amount of neutrality as the locals. So no, I will not give you a break.

I feel like the whole point the review is making is that the documentary should have done better than balanced observation. The documentary apparently captures aggression from all sides without taking the opportunity to explore the justification of the locals to react with anger and aggression, and the reviewer is

Do you feel like maybe there is a place between decrying the internet outrage machine and people screaming about victim blaming? I mean, she is a bad ass. She has also been through something shitty. It's totally her business how she deals with that shitty thing happening, but maybe she could refrain from blaming women