Kat with a K

Uh- I was raped by a Millenial… Trying not to respond with anger, but what the fuck, man.

I totally see where you are coming from. She seems really hung up on having been in a place she knew was dangerous and is letting that color her view of all rapes. Even in cases with more gray areas than your experience, the rapists is still the one at fault. I have a hard time not blaming myself for what happened to

You can absolutely in a rational way explain that people shouldn't rape. As stupid as this may seem, a lot of people are unclear what constitutes rape and a large number of rapes are perpetrated by those who probably wouldn't recognize their actions as rape. My rapist probably wouldn't know what he did if I hadn't

It seems that you get off on being indignant. So I'll leave you to it.

I deleted it because I feel the same way. Uptight twat.

So only the Danes are allowed to have opinions about Denmark? The world better shut up about the U.S. then. I live here and I know EVERYTHING about our cultural mores and nobody else can comment about our race issues over here because I am an American and I am not a racist, therefore nobody is and no foreigner could

Dude, mellow out. It is generally well known that a lot of European countries have a problem with this type of racism. Just like it is generally accepted that Americans are all loud, fat, soda guzzling, idiots. It does not apply to all people, and it isn't even a value judgement. It is a general characterization

Anxiously awaiting a death star emoji. Way cooler, and allows me to concisely express how many things I would like to shoot a giant laser at.

Ugh- whatever man. A country that doesn't have to deal with racism openly because of a lack of people of color isn't the same as not being racist. So pull that stick out of your ass and go call someone else ignorant without providing an actual argument.

There are so few minorities there that general attitudes in the country are racist without even being aware of the racism. I stand by that statement, especially knowing black people who live there and hearing how cavalierly the n-word it thrown around. But I don't live there. Sorry to have offended you.

So how have you missed the racism? I distinctly recall running into it without even seeking it out. Not to mention some otherwise very nice people who are real shit-bags about Muslims. You're right, it is a generalization, but it certainly isn't unfounded.

The Internet doesn't scare me.

Go there. Ask anyone at random about black people. Sit and listen for a while. Then tell me it's an ignorant statement.

"We're not racially insensitive, we just genuinely didn't know black people still existed in real life. We know now, and are scrapping plans for the Slave mah jong game we had in the works."

To be honest, I'm sure they would react with more contrition if they were being dragged through hellfire over copyright infringement.

The mind boggles.

It was called "Slave Tetris" for fuck's sake. How did this fly 2 years under the radar?

I had that exact thought when I read that statement.

Point taken. What a fool I am.