I love the Doula Project. There are a lot of women from my college involved in it, and I think its just wonderful.
I love the Doula Project. There are a lot of women from my college involved in it, and I think its just wonderful.
They're the ladies in the red when everyone else is wearing Taaaan!
She's just being defensive because shes been singled out. HA.
@pantaloons: nothing really. its where I am from.
@Violentbelle: You are totally right my friend.
There is a difference between a cokehead exchild star who probably hasn't had to clean up after herself for a long time and a hoarder
that doesn't look like her new BFF
@stacyinbean: she skinned a collie to make her purse
this isn't so much the issue of the born again virgin as much as the case of desperate celebrities who will say anything to be talked about on blogs.
@icyblonde: yes let us not forget that Juliet is the fertility doctor to tells women's husbands private medical information and that they have cheated on them.
@N.J.Lady: / do you have his number?
@sallysparrow: i found a guy who looked exactly like him and got him to dress that way for halloween. :)
@jessacecilia: she is the best. if anything she she should be shaking up with Dan. He's the hot one. Too bad he's dead...
Great, like being excited about lost wasn't already getting in the way of me getting anything done.
This post was wayyy harsh, Tie. I think Miley, Katie, and Taylor look beautiful.
Peggy Olsen would never have let this happen.
@ImDatNinja (loves her Red Sox): you mean candy
Kimmy Glibler's parents will donate the rest of the difference if they can see their daughter ride her unicycle on television.