Katie Collins

It's so dangerous to imply 1) that audiences should assume because a show's creators tell them something isn't rape the female character must just have rape fantasies and 2) that because Jaime and Cersei have an incestuous relationship raping her isn't really even possible.

Acknowledging that the creators *intended* to film a consensual sex scene, the scene was of Jaime raping Cersei. Asking viewers to completely ignore/disregard what they saw because "it was intended to be consensual by the end there!" is ridiculous.

Not only that, but she said it for Petyr's benefit too? "Hey, remember that thing I did for you that no one else knows about? What were you saying about waiting to marry me?"

Hodor is still there. In Wiki of Ice and Fire it says, referencing A Dance with Dragons, chapter 34): "Hodor has become used to Bran's presence in his mind, though he still feels fear when it happens and retreats to a place where Bran cannot reach him." :(