Katie O'Neill

Having sex for money is not empowering.

i have no idea how this can be considered empowering, nevertheless i am from hungary and my country exports 90% of porn actresses to europe and this due to our economical crisis and misogynist culture, so maybe my POV is different.

Yup, it’s hard to be turned on by something when you’re unsure of how much agency the woman/women taking part in it really have. The debate on whether porn is empowering or demeaning is a never-ending one, but the recent revelations surrounding rapes in the industry certainly put women off porn even further.

this. i came across a few times of scenes when i could clearly see the fear and/or pain in the woman’s eye. so horrible.

If you don’t know whether you are watching a filmed rape or not (and so many actresses come forward immediately or years later to say they were raped on camera or had things done to them that they didn’t agree to and couldn’t say no to without losing the entire paycheck from that day) ... is it really ethical?

They ask how I stopped and they want to stop.

Umm, Lynch(e) is an actual surname. Let’s not get ridiculous, now.

Speaking of GOPs, Tennessee’s tweeted a photo of the Cleveland Cavaliers 2016 victory parade to show how big the crowds were in Arizona:

I’m a Latino man myself, and over the last few years as everything has erupted socially, I can’t help but think there’s a lot of grandstanding and virtue signalling going on among white people in this country—it’s troubling, to say the least, for several reasons. I start to think twice about the ones who are the

Oh god I’m having the best Saturday night. I cleaned and tidied up all day long, as our petsitter is coming on Sunday on account of our trip to see the totality of the eclipse. My husband made me a wine & cheeses tray and I’m watching the “Hamilton’s America” documentary for the first time and crying profusely (mind

Thanks for explaining a little how the racism is here. While I was so happy there were tons of anti protesters out to show the “Free Speech”crowd they were out numbered, I know more than a few people who say all manner of racist stuff to me but think they aren’t being racist at all.

“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”

They have literal Nazis and are known for being a highly racist country. At soccer games, they are one of the most horrible countries when it comes to harrassing players.

Just following the lead of that dopey Papa John’s guy who didn’t want #ACA insurance for his employees which would have raised a pizza by less than 1 dollar. I’d gladly pay 1$ more to know my pizza maker was healthy.

Do they have a large anti-immigrant, islamophobic, nationalistic movement?

And some estimates have it as high as half a million Iraqis killed since that time.

Added to this, we invaded Iraq. One would think we might have a passing interest in the 200,000 civilians (civilians) who have lost their lives directly due thereto.

But to which countries are we closer: Mexico or England? Guatemala or Germany? And I’d garner that we know loads more about the latter countries than the former. And we’re in the Americas, too.

But tipped employees also have to share with the bussers, right? They also have to tip the bartender and anyone else that helped them in service. And how many days of paid vacation do they get per year. How much medical care coverage is offered with the job? What holidays and personal days do they get and is there

Could it be that the focus has mainly been the chaos here? Also, as in all media, our focus is select, yes? Nearly 200,000 civilians have been killed in Iraq since our invasion. Nearly 1,500 last month alone. And there are never any articles on this. We are most concerned with ourselves, and then Europe: South Asia,