Katie O'Neill

So because Nadya collaborates with men that takes away from her point?

Ariana Grande, you are not old. I am an old. That’s how we olds refer to ourselves. Now get off my lawn, you whippersnapper! 

The thing you need to understand about Maryland is that historically Maryland was a Union state because it had a gun at its head. Not because it wanted to support the Union, but because it was not given a choice. Maryland would have been a Confederate state...but quite literally had a gun to its head to keep it in

Maryland and Kentucky really wanted to leave the union. They were those weird boarder states so there is some history of sympathy for “The Cause”

Have Antifa or BLM ever killed anyone? I ask because I keep seeing comments on NYT posts on FB of people saying “how come the media never reports when Antifa and BLM invoke violence?”

I’ve lived with pretty severe bipolar disorder I since I was 14 (diagnosed only at age 28, but the symptoms set in far, far earlier than that). I know the pain of being so depressed you can’t get out of bed for days at a time, so much that even the thought of showering is too exhausting to accomplish. I know how it

I think she means Graham Norton who is also Irish.

I agree. I think a lot of us think all this stuff should be self evident so it gets frustrating repeating the same things over and over. I don’t think myself as a snowflake type, because I’m not a pushover, but I do get upset when people can’t see or won’t see past their privilege.

He’s a gem. It doesn’t hurt that his show lets guests talk to each other, which often provides the best moments.

It belongs in a museum, regardless how folks feel it doesn’t belong in the public square. It is history and still needs to be seen, but not in a public square where the ancestors of the folks he tried to keep down have to be reminded of that. 

You mean the statue of that horrible American traitor Robert E. Lee? You can try to turn these racists into art critics and historians if you like, but it sounds me like the issue has just become a huge rallying cry for racists of varying degrees of ignorance and violence.

But you know who WERE US soldiers?

Looks pretty fucking racist to me!

No one is protesting the destruction of a library or the erasure of historical records. Until you can tell the difference between the acknowledgement of history and the veneration of it, you should keep your mouth shut.

Getting rid of a statue isn’t re-writing history. It’s ending the glorification of a culture willing to destroy the United States of America so they can keep their precious slaves. The history remains.

This isn’t something along the lines of a holocaust memorial, most of these statues were put up to celebrate the Confederacy and the righteousness of their cause, they serve as symbols of white supremacy (as shown by the events today), they’re about re-writing history not remembering it. The people who champion these

You’d think they’d be opposed to participation trophies, but here we are.

You might want to sit down for this:

When a bunch of white supremacists show up wearing swastikas, t-shirts with quotes by Adolf Hitler, throwing sieg heil salutes and chanting slogans like “blood & soil,” it doesn’t make them any less racist to say “oh, they were just there to defend a statue of a slaveholding traitor.”

No. And don’t make excuses for these assholes either. I’m in Charlottesville and this statue removal has been settled for 6+ months. Back then they had a hard time getting a dozen people to protest its removal. That’s how many people who actually live here feel strongly enough about it to show up and protest.