Katie O'Neill

Fucking Robert E. Lee refused to ever wear his uniform again, refused to be buried in it, and refused to allow anyone wearing a confederate uniform to be at his funeral. He considered the “cause” fucking dead and so should these fuckers.

I love that the north conceding the right for the south to bury their dead in military graveyards has somehow turned into an acceptance of what they did (rebelled against the U.S., making them traitors... along with being immoral, racist, subhuman slave-owners who were willing to die to preserve their dominion over

Fellow southerner here. For the life of me, I don’t get it. I’m no historian, but I fell pretty confident saying that many Germans around today are descended from Nazi soldiers, but they don’t have the need to run around saying “I’m just honoring my great grandfather who was a courageous soldier.” Why do Americans do

Everything you said is so true. A black friend of mine compared slavery with the Nazi Holocaust, and after really thinking about it, I concluded that she was right. Just as we would not support Rommel, Hitler, and other Nazi statues in Germany, we cannot stand Confederate statues in America. It does not matter of

Seriously. That “Confederate soldiers were US military” has got to be the BIGGEST lie I’ve heard today. Um, no. Actually Confederate soldiers were the ENEMY to the US military.

The South lost. The Nazis lost. Why is it these losers emulate other... oh I answered my own question.

I’m a Southerner, born and bred, and these people are fucking appalling. The Confederates were not American soldiers and every last one of the leaders of the secessionist movement were traitors.

Can you imagine if this was BLM or Standing Rock literally pushing and trying to physically fight riot cops?

Because some hispanics are descendants of enslaved Africans, a much larger population than in the U.S. are in central/Caribbean and South America, and just like Samba, Salsa, and quite a lot of varied musical forms in these areas, they make use of African drums. And some of these hispanics not only use drums, but find

I worked at Johns Hopkins back in the day, and while speaking with the heading of something or other, he commented “oh, the local blacks don’t come here because they prefer voodoo healers.” I was like, “no they don’t come here because for years JH used them as medical test subjects with out their consent. Also, voodoo

A friend took her toddler to the ER last week and upon leaving was advised to keep the child’s stitches covered and that, in spite of the fact that “you people like to use a lot of ointments” she should not do so. This type of shit is prevalent.

I hate to say it but the culture section of any nursing textbook that tries to go into the subject is often full of racist and stereotypical garbage. I would argue about test questions that contained things I knew to either be false or not true across the board. I had a textbook that claimed that African Americans

Direct eye contact is unacceptable even between friends. Touch is acceptable between friends and family. There is no touching between strangers.

Hey @ChloeGMoretz - let’s set up a date. The crush is mutual.

omg, you are not joking!

John Carney considers a picture of a white female dressed in couture with the Statue of Liberty in the background an attack/disquisition about immigration?

If it’s good makeup, it’s good makeup. I know people love to call the Kardashians no-talent, but that’s clearly not true. They are master marketers and have a keen understanding of the zeitgeist.

I used to notice on CSI: Miami how clean the houses were. Spotless except for the pool of blood around the victim. There was one episode (Season 1, episode 8), though, where the house was more cluttered but not outside the range of what a large family could do on a daily basis. If I recall correctly without

Is it naive of me to assume all the dirty documents have been placed in trash bags and currently reside underwater next to Dexter’s cut up victims?