Katie O'Neill

Anecdotally, I kind of think of Australia as one of the most racist and misogynist places in the developed world.

Ah the place where abbos is a racial slur. I think color discrimination works the same over there.

so your idea is treat other unfair until all are treated fair? by your logic no one ever will be treated fairly

Treating people unequally is not the path to equality.

Choosing “screed” already dismisses it as angry and crackpot, before you even get to the rest of the commentary.

The whole screed is fucking stupid on an objective level. (Women are too high anxiety to deal with software programming? Give me a fucking break. Women are highly successful in the legal field- that is some real stress and you can’t wear comic book t-shirts to work every day.) Moreover, the person who published this

if a university as prestigious as Harvard would expel a student for having a view that they don’t agree with (or makes them look bad) then the conservatives are right.

Lets hope not, if a university as prestigious as Harvard would expel a student for having a view that they don’t agree with (or makes them look bad) then the conservatives are right. Even Google was very clear that the reason for the termination was for creating an unsafe workspace, I don’t see how Harvard could make

And this can be tied directly back to the results of the last election. Instead of discussing the shifting of several important societal norms, many simple shouted, “This is how you should feel, if not you’re a “insert derogatory terminology here””. That caused several millions individuals to retreat to the privacy of

Yeah, I did not read that as a cute, funny aside - which I’m sure is what Handler was going for. I read that as totally disrespectful. Like, the parts were always one-note and Chelsea Handler still only sees Neicy Nash as that one-note caricature of a black woman.

“But by the way, you are that girl,” 

Because there isn’t any outright proof. I hold the same beliefs about hunting and religion as Pratt does but I am also pro choice, volunteer at Planned Parenthood, and support LGBTQ rights.

Everyone keeps talking about him being a Trump supporter but I can’t find anything on Google. All I can find is some vague right-ish beliefs (hunting and religion), but nothing else.

All the blind items paint him to be a mega cheater and say he DEF was boinking J Law.

Omg I was SO uncomfortable with their social media carrying on together. But I figured well, its public, so he’s not hiding anything, and so maybe his wife thinks it’s funny and is cool with it?

I think it means opinions are about to rapidly divide about whether Chris Pratt is the least-favorite Chris here on Jezebel.

He’s a fat pig but I love your concern, Mr. Gawker Hall Monitor.

Summarily dismissing the screed as being “anti-diversity” is exactly the problem it was outlining. Ms. Conger, it’s difficult to have discussions with people that prefer to affix labels out of some misguided sense of moral superiority. Listening to other perspectives, whether you agree with them or not, is just part