Katie O'Neill

I feel that people are looking for an excuse to bash Beyonce, it’s so pathetic. I love the new photo of her with her babies, it’s so lovely and fresh, but then again, I’m obsessed with flowers and feminine Venus-esque aesthetics.

It’s like any other name. It has special meaning, like many names do, and it is intended to command respect, but when a kid is running up the slide, when he knows he is supposed to go down the slide, I. have no problem saying, “Sir, please show me that you know the rules for the play structure!”

A few things:

Black kids get bullied online by white people about their names everyday. We don’t give a fuck. We use honorifics in a country that refused to address us as Mr. or Miss for centuries. The Jacksons have three generations of Prince. There’s a Queen and General in my family. Better than being named like barnyard animals

I like the inspiration taken from the Birth of Venus. If I could afford to, I would definitely take these sort of pictures (if and when I have children). 

This is clearly—in my opinion—one of those instances of “here is a legally complicated situation which this bill could affect” not “this is the exact reason the legislatures wrote this bill!!” It was a shitty, republican, intrusive, poorly written bill. It was not THE STATE that did this...it was politicians. What do

Ah yes, settling because you couldn’t get someone hotter/richer/more famous, a tale as old as time.

I’m not protecting anyone. I’m just identifying a marble table.

Agreed. She’s probably the only famous person who, if photographed beside a Tony Montana-sized pile of cocaine, I would think, “oh, I wonder whose cocaine she’s keeping an eye on because it’s obviously not hers.”

So, this has nothing to do with anything in DB (apologies in advance), but...I’m quitting drinking. I’ve been thinking about it for a few years, and it’s finally time to pull the plug on it. Nothing crazy has happened, but I’m just tired of my energy being sapped constantly, of bruising too easily, and of not being

Now playing

The couple family that makes horrible instagram cute videos of themselves working out together, stays together.

Okay, you got me there.

Then she wouldn’t be the “Female James Bond.” Sexy outfits and sexier scenes come with the territory.

There was an article posted about this movie a while back on Jezebel and someone commented that the name felt too generic. They said it would be like “If James Bond was called “Brunette Spy Guy”” and I have no idea why it’s stuck with me. I whisper “Brunette Spy Guy” and laugh everytime I see anything about this

If you follow the link there is literally a pic of her hugging a black child sans gloves, coupled with a pic of a black woman wearing gloves while handling food.

Wow, whoever wrote this article should probably do a little editing and find out the real story with what is going on with things instead of jumping on the Twitter train and trying to trash anyone they can if they can spin an article to make someone look bad. This is terrible journalism.

Maybe they didn’t have the “food handling gloves” that day.

It’s all about spin and feigned moral outrage, man. You can’t allow your rational thinking to cloud what is otherwise a great chance to feel morally superior to someone else through selective image selection!