Katie O'Neill

People wear gloves all the god dam motherfucking time when serving/handling food. Outrage for outrage sake is ridiculous and getting really fucking old.

She was serving food you dumb fuck.

When I was in high school, we had an abstinence group come in to preach, and I remember something one person said: “Have you seen the full body suits doctors wear when dealing with HIV/AIDS patients, and you expect a tiny little condom will help?”

She was serving food you dumb shit.

My lunch lady wore gloves when selling food to kids when I was at school, DOES THIS MEAN SHE SUSPECTED US OF HAVING AIDS?

I can say as someone who wore gloves all day for a job that you forget you are wearing them (and then think you are wearing them later on the bus, and when you are sleeping).

The real issue is that someone is getting called out for wearing gloves while handling and giving out food.

That appears to be the case. Selective outrage. I’m waiting for someone to call her out for not trying hard enough when her father’s Sperm swam upstream, therefore not being “black” or “white” enough for other’s taste as a beauty parent participant.

Since wearing gloves while distributing food is apparently now racist, was Twitter equally quick to drag this racist?

Let me get this straight: people flip their shit if the motherfucker at Chipotle doesn’t wear gloves while preparing their burrito, but this woman gets shit on for wearing them while serving hungry kids? Do I have that right?

Ugh this is dumb. Unless she was wearing gloves start to finish, a couple photos out of context at an event where she was handing out food is not outrage worthy. There are all kinds of explanations ranging from she forgot to take them off to she wasn’t done handing out food to who the fuck cares?

YOU need to look at the pictures again, because you’re looking at the ones that have been cropped to remove the kids in the background who are eating food and drinking. As a matter of fact, the full version of the picture you are talking about (of her next to white kids at a different event) is in the first set of


Okay, let’s be clear that she certainly should have taken the gloves off when she started talking to people and posing for photos after handing out food, but did you guys really only pull the images of her wearing gloves while she was handing out food and while they were eating (which mean she’d probably JUST been

What dash cam video did you see? What gun is being pulled out? Also I’m anti-gun but this is extremely racist. A white man with his girlfriend and daughter would have never been shot in the same circumstance. Also Hispanic/Latino people can’t be racist against black people? Um what?

I have never commented on this before and have no intention of doing so regularly...but I just read this thread and felt like you were being bullied so I had to tell you (assuming I’m right and you aren’t a troll) that your attitude in this thread has seemed, to me, to be open, inquisitive and respectful, while others

Are you trying to be stupid? You don’t think the officer should’ve been prosecuted when he shot a man in cold blood for no damn reason? Also, he never pulled out the fucking gun, dumbass. Please stop talking.

We have issues with police forces and unlawful carding in Canada, people like to ignore it but we have our own systemic race-based bullshit here too. Thankfully it’s not as horrific as on your side of the border, but still no reason for any Canadian to feign or maintain ignorance.

Anti-Blackness affects all kinds of people, whether they are named Jeronimo or not. Even Black police officers participate, since that’s a big part of how our police force was meant to work. Yes, it’s about race. This rarely happens to white people and happens to Black people often enough that we prep our children on

I just have a hard time believing “Jeronimo” frigging “Yanez” is a racist white cop like ‘the rest of them’.