Katie O'Neill

Your comment still makes no sense, and it’s creepy that you are so hell-bent on specifically focusing on such younger women, “average age” notwithstanding.

Absolutely, but unfortunately for something like gonorrhea, it probably won’t make a huge difference, since the resistance is so prevalent and this bug seems to keep resistance genes even when that specific antibiotic is no longer in use (so, why we can’t go back and start using penicillin again, even though it hasn’t


“When I was born, doctors looked at my genitals and made assumptions about who I would be”

I doubt it’s actual coke, probably milk sugar or something similar.

Lol...y’all are seriously nitpicking at Britney Spears for chewing gum while having a photo taken of her? Like, who the hell cares?

Chewing gum is low class? Okay

Because as a proud veteran of the IDF, they consider her complicit in the oppression of Palestinian people and specifically the unnecessary deaths of Palestinian children at the hands of the IDF.

If you’re at all sympathetic to the plight of Palestinians in Israel, the IDF is a controversial organization. I don’t think it’s a bad thing that Gal served in it as (from what I understand) all Israeli youth are compelled to do so, but I think it’s understandable that her outspoken support for it would rub people

“That job sounds fucking horrific. 12-hour shifts at minimum wage? I’d throw that job offer away without even opening it. Maybe if it were $15 an hour you’d get more people? But then I have a much better job than that as is.”

The uber rich, police commissioners, journalists...this shit sounds like a party at Wayne Manor. How come the Joker never crashes these types of events IRL?

Why is body mod - all the way from makeup to surgery - by nature specifically *misogynistic*? That is something I don’t get about the judgey comments in this section. It is fairly likely that people modify their bodies for all kinds of reasons, not just Oppression by the Patriarchy. It reads a little like 80s radical

It’s not regardless of the pay, though. It’s that minimum wage continues to be the baseline that no one wants to deviate too far from, but minimum wage can’t support anyone. If it started at $15 or $16 or was day shifts, you’d have more takers. The money doesn’t match the working conditions.

So you respond with outrage that I pointed out how wrong what you’re saying is...by doubling down ehile acting like it’s totally cool to spout what you’re spouting.

“If I was a hiring manager I wouldn’t even read their damn resume because their name alone is some high maintenance sounding shit” you’d be a shitty hiring manager

So? That makes a name inherently bad how?

And then she chose a significantly better name, which only strengthens my point.

I was just telling my boyfriend that b/c I work with clients who are mostly executives and many of them have the most bizarre names. It’s messed up that people always mock names they think of as basically poor-“xxx-lynn”, or “watermelondria” as Raven-Symone said, but it’s some of the 1% who have the weirdest names and