Katie O'Neill

It’s impossible to tell with the way Kinja is set up, but are you saying you haven’t listened to Lemonade? Cause if so, what the hell...?

I don’t know how you completely ignored the first line, he’ll fuck up a good thing if you let him.

I find it useful to publicly take accountability for a fuckup. Mine tend to be in the break room admitting it’s my old forgotten lunch stinking up the common refrigerator, but nevertheless, it feels good. If this helps them heal and move forward on the Becky deal, good for them. And Ms. Carter, bless her for her words.

So, you really skipped over all of the talk about building a legacy, black wealth and passing it down to your children, entrepreneurship, black excellence, etc to focus on his mom being gay (which I’d known for a while, so I’m surprised this is a shock) and Becky? Can’t relate.

I’d argue that in fact, most white people are completely unaware in any meaningful way of “the machine” even while they’re in the act of using it. These cops aren’t saying “look, it’s a black guy, we can shoot him cuz he’s black!”; they’re legitimately afraid for their lives because they exist in a world which tells

Are you educated? Because you seem to have slid right by this part:

So, are we supposed to hate the pretty actress lady on my favorite show now? (From the post not you commenter).

I don’t think she deserves a pat on the back, but I also don’t understand why she’s being slammed. Is she late to the figuring out that racism and sexism are a thing? Yes, but she’s getting there, so why write this moral high groundy piece? about it?

Intersectional Feminist Writer: Ugh, I can’t even with these people who won’t wake up and see the sexism all around them!

Yea, that’s a really shitty way to wrap up an already odd post. I wonder if there’s a readily available statement, ideally one that’s both overly dismissive and mean-spirited, that I can repurpose as a reply?

I really don’t know how I feel about these sort of posts. They appear too often to ignore. A twenty-something celebrity is trying to vocalize that they’ve been on the receiving end of sexism. Ok.

While the effort is appreciated, the process itself should perhaps remain behind closed doors.

I think Yolanda getting her amalgam fillings replaced and having her breast implants removed were good decisions, regardless of Lyme disease.

Lyme, not lupus but has a lot of the same symptoms. I have lupus and like Lyme it can be really difficult because people can’t “see” it to tell I’m sick. I’m not her Dr and don’t have access to her medical records but I know from my experience it’s hard because people don’t understand the disease and how much it

Cool pope is “cool” like the Young Pope is “young,” which is to say: it’s all very relative.

Spoiler alert, the Pope will cover up for the pedophile because that’s what the Catholic church does.

They should get those 2 women from The Keepers to take this asshole down.

is this real?  how did i miss this?

Yes, We. We’re the global 5%, pointing at the 1% and saying they’re the real problem.

You see - this is my point: There isn’t. You and I are closer to Trump than we are to bottom half of southeast asian laborers.