Katie O'Neill

We shouldn’t be killing anybody. it’s ridiculous to talk about who’s killing more people when the fact is it’s all wrong. The us has been engaging in terrorism since the beginning and Obama is for sure doing his part

Lol! Not at the same level? Well you got that right. He’s deported more people than any other president

There’s a difference between wars and terrorism and I’m talking about the us engaging in the latter and yes Obama too

Whaaaaat what happened after that??

You’re not responding to anything i said

Ad hominem is the first resort for most of jezebel. Reason and intellectual argument do not flourish here

Lol you were aggressively hating. There was no hate or isms you were objecting to

Like Obama isn’t deporting people?

Since when does saying something grant you the power to do it

What brown skinned people we murdered? We’ve been murdering brown skinned innocent people since day 1 and the party affiliation of the president has nothing to do it. It didn’t end or begin with George bush

You can’t get through to the rageaholics here but you’re right

So you’re a daughter because you care about other people... thanks on behalf of the voyeurs for this public masturbation

Lol wow you are so sad

lol what? Why

Nope that’s you guys who can’t decide whether you’re pro sex work. I’m consistently against it. You all are inconsistent. (“Sex-positive” has no relevance here.)

Lol ok because it’s not degrading to have sex with the other prince charmings paying for sex. Donald trump is a real anomaly in the clientele of prostitutes 😂

The writing totally sucks. Sooo inconsistent there is literally no internal logic whatsoever. And yet here I am

Learn to reason boo

If it’s not inherently degrading then it shouldn’t be insulting to be offered work as a prostitue

If trump were calling me up to be a waitress at his party that would be a more fitting analogy and I don’t see how that’s insulting