Katie O'Neill

great then we agree

Great then we’re on the same page

Sure. But why is that insulting?

Just here to point out the rampant intellectual dishonesty :)

You just described a situation where you are selling cats for a living and then said it’s not normal in this situation to assume you would sell your own cat and then said that’s only normal to expect from a cat seller/breeder? That makes no sense. In this analogy you are clearly a cat seller/breeder.

That’s exactly my point. Sex is different from other work. It’s not just a service. And you just described prostitution as inherently degrading because you’re doing something too intimate with random people who may not respect you. If you think men who rent prostitutes are guaranteed to have more respect for women

It isn’t the pestering it’s the offer itself that’s being discussed here. It’s not insulting to offer to buy your cat if that’s a normal thing for people to sell their own cats.

I made a very specific argument against a very specific argument in the comments I replied to. Most of this is straw man but I agree to disagree where it pertains to my original point because your response was wholly unconvincing. There’s nothing insulting about asking someone for a professional service unless that

That’s not what the comments are saying. The comments claim it’s insulting to assume she would sell sex, not that it’s insulting to ask her to work during her time off. Something tells me that a story about how rude it was that someone was asked to work while they were on vacation wouldn’t be a headline anywhere

So it’s insulting to assume that someone working in a professional field also does other equally esteemed professional work? And it’s also insulting to ask someone for their services when they’re not working? That second one is not even the point repeated in the comments here. The point being reiterated is that it’s

No that’s a straw man. That’s not my argument nor the headline of the article. The article is about trump offering to buy sex from her. Why is that even a headline in Jezebel if prostitution isn’t demeaning

No that is a silly analogy

How is it insulting for anyone to ask you that? And why is it insulting for someone to expect to be able to pay her for sex? It’s only insulting if that’s a degrading thing to do.

Lol because there is nothing to explain. Your argument’s weak. Jezebel is the land of unsubstantiated inconsistent and illogical opinion

Explain the difference to me. The only difference is a camera

Getting offers of money for sex is literally her job. If being an escort is an esteemed position, why is assuming she is one disrespectful?

This is funny to me because everyone here is so sex work positive. If there’s nothing degrading about being a prostitute, why is it insulting to assume someone would have sex for money? Also she does already have sex for money so what’s the difference

Bah humbug! Get off my lawn! Etc.

Both are crazy. One is intelligent

Wait what