Katie O'Neill


Omg shut up

Some peoples shoulder blades just look that way

Ew who are you

I can’t believe you just said sausage party is pretty good omfg

Lol public schools do take kids expelled from private school. I know cause I went to public school.


Way to let your emotions take over a potentially rational conversation

Yeah I feel you. I had one too 😎

Did you need a hymenotomy?

Amen amen

FYI it’s physician assistant ☺️

Amen amen

Amen hallelujah this article is such a joke 😂😂😂

You are the problem

Brendan go write it in your diary. No one needs to know whether you think you’re a good or bad man. I’m embarrassed for you. Go home


Lol when you say plant toxins without any qualifying adjective, the all is implied sassy boo

Lol you are the one sounding soooo dumb

That escalated quickly. As someone else already addressed, you don’t understand physiology if you think one gene metabolizes all plant “toxins.”