Katie O'Neill

Still no dairy necessity


A disorder is only a disorder if it interferes with your life. You can be obsessed with a lot of different things without it interfering with your life. If your anorexia makes you physically ill and you swap that for an obsession with food purity that doesn’t make you ill then good job. Whether your obsessed with AA

Still in no way is dairy necessary... and why is anyone judging anyone about sleeping with their babies, before or after becoming a parent

Why does any of that bother you

Lol no ones going to jail for that

Citation needed

So if you swap it forAA is that not recovery either? If you swap out something that is interfering with your life for something that isn’t then you’ve achieved the goal

Lol wtf are you talking about

You can definitely decline

Addiction is such insofar as it interferes with life. Who cares about other people doing crossfit or juicing or kava

When it became a place name it was pronounced as a Spanish place name

Everyone living there is wrong

Wow maybe not the best response to racism. Jesus


It wouldn’t be wrong. Like I’m sure.

Lol duh?

Except it’s a Spanish word and everyone living there is pronouncing it wrong


Wow I don’t see it