You forgot Oklahoma.
You forgot Oklahoma.
Therapy should not only be free for everyone, it should start early, at maybe third grade level.
In Kentucky, there is a possibility of inbreeding.
So far.
I believe it is an elected position, so it is not so simple as to fire her, which I agree she richly deserves.
That’s probably how she’d spell it, too.
She is also overly fond of the word “retard.”
Don’t ask!
Or a kiddy coffee thermos, like the Flintstones.
It does seem arbitrary.
Another saint’s name.
I want to change my name to be a saint. Any suggestions? I want something a little glam.
And Logan, never!
If they are so into Biblical truth, how about admitting that there are no where near one million of them.
The other truly horrifying thing was the “Oh, this happens in lots of families.” Who the hell do the Duggars hang out with?
She is more tan than John Boehner.
She is the only one at Fox who might ask a hard question, but Josh has had his picture taken with just about every presidential hopeful(hopeless) in the clown car. So Fox will want the Duggars redeemed.
Joy Love Feminism at Patheos has great information/insight about the Gothardites, Duggars, Pearls, et al. The blog owner, Libby Anne, grew up homeschooled fundie, but saw the light in college. Great blog, very well written.Not snarky like this one, though. I love snark.
Can she even feel it anymore?
Wasn’t DJ the one who turned Evangelical? Maybe the hair comes first.