
Its because you don't tip!!!


This is all premature. We haven’t even had the first debate yet. I hope he gets destroyed in the debates! He has nothing to offer but a horrible voting and policy record and no ideas for going forward. He’s not for Medicare for all and that is the number one issue; healthcare! I hope the other candidates call him out

That’s not true. The public loved Bill Clinton. He was extremely likable. Hillary on the other hand was not so well liked. Also, Hillary had the email thing and Bengozi. Bill was a beloved governor coming into his election as POTUS. Biden is horrible! He’s for banks. He’s corporate funded. He voted for the Iraq war.

I find it so annoying how his words are picked apart constantly when he is the only politician who’s stayed consistent, honest, and devoted to civil rights and marginalized groups. It’s not a show...he did this since he was young. Trying to say that he doesn’t see minorities as ordinary people because of this quote,

Exactly. Third party candidates don’t win. They mess up votes! Bernie did the right thing!


So progressive means making a woman president??? I’m not voting for a woman just for the sake of her being a woman!!! Clinton was not a progressive! She had to be pushed to take on a more progressive stance by Sanders the entire primary. She lost because she was the status quo and people are tired of those kind of

It doesn’t matter if Sanders was a Democrat or not. He ran as one because everyone knows a 3rd party candidate can’t win. The point is, if people donated to the DNC and the rule is for them to be impartial then they clearly violated the rules, they defrauded people!