The original X-men game on NES. i remember being really jazzed that my name came up for it at the local rental place, and prepared myself for the two day window i had with the game.
The original X-men game on NES. i remember being really jazzed that my name came up for it at the local rental place, and prepared myself for the two day window i had with the game.
What they should do is give every executive some sort of currency based upon hitting professional benchmarks, we can call them “dailies”. The executives can then exchange that currency for randomized dollar amounts (from $1- $10,000), set in a randomized amount in four containers. They can pick one container and they…
But do the video games have their instruction manuals??
A gaming PC that would demolish the console specwise would still fall prey to the disconnects of that side of the game.
You get pity crowns as you go along as well. It’s not just a “win for them only” thing. plus, the other shop has just about the same unlockables and rotates more.
I’m sure you meant Daytona, But Dayton,OH also works for the analogy, as it’s the fifth circle of hell.
If the limited edition was signed by Weird Al, I’d be down for the bigger price tag. as it is, i just don’t see the value of it
“Back The Blue, who will be meeting their annual quotas by handing out tickets to all in attendance, due to a downturn in driving the rest of the year due to COVID-19.
I got eliminated by my Daughter (the namesake for this kinja account), in the finals, so don’t feel too bad.
It looks like they’re using the same playbook that took down the Trump Foundation earlier.
Mission: Accepted.
also Kotaku:
He’s probably gonna be top teir again. If they make him all cancels, throws and a short projectile, he’s gonna run the table.
I only watch Battlegrounds and MtG:A streamers (and sometimes TFT), so idk, and I’ve never seen a stream of his. My daughter thinks the world of him tho.
In other Breaking, Surprise news: Sky Blue, Water wet.
That was Scott Baio.
you can catch it randomly on Pluto sometimes. It’s one of those white whales when it comes to 2am syndication.
2Who’s 2Boss
Man, the missed opportunity of having a Soundwave aircraft carrier launching Lazerbeak Drones.....
even better, if you’ve ever seen his deposition tapes, it’s a quality he’d need.