
Warning, does not work. Tried it and thank god I tasted it first, it wasn't sweet. It tasted like a baked potato. Very ungood for a banana.

So you think that interracial marriage is a bad idea? You agree with the racist rules of decades past? Segregating yourself doesn't help the situation. I don't think your life is easy, you've been dealt a difficult hand. People are always encouraging white people to ask questions and learn about the issues, but you're

I'm not super vocal about my support. I don't post diatribes, and I don't go to protests. I just feel like if I were to do those things, it wouldn't be awful. While I don't post my own statuses about racism, I do try to comment on (particularly older family/friends) racist or insensitive posts that I see come up on my

Our parents generation had segregated schools. The generation before that had even more separation based on race. The generation or two before that had slavery. I'd say those are some pretty big steps in a historically short amount of time.

I guess I feel like there is criticism when a white millennial shows up at a rally or protest, and people say it's because it's trendy. Someone wants you to speak up and spread the word, so you do, and then you're "asking for a cookie."

That's not at all what I'm saying. I don't think that someone who is "different" has to change their life to accommodate people who are uncomfortable. I'm saying that they shouldn't change their life to avoid something they already do because of someone else.

I think the problem with that is that no matter what we do, someone says it's wrong. For every suggestion we get of something to do, someone else says that isn't the way to do it.

Racism is a problem. I won't deny that. But even the thought of cutting all of the white people out of your life seems pretty extreme when you're talking about your husband and friends.