
because, like the States, provinces administer many of their own programs. Quebec has subsidized daycare and paid mat leave policies that far surpass what’s offered in the rest of Canada. there are also arts funding programs supporting Quebec artists that are extremely robust even by Canadian standards.

yes... i made a joke

repeating this again here because why not — I’m American, hi

Maybe I should have clarified - I’m American

who are the rockers on the rocker tees? and who’s rocking them?

I worked with Katie in 2007. She’s a very rad woman. I’m sure she’s every bit Peter Shumlin’s “equal,” whatever that even means no matter how old you are.

Oh man suddenly I have a lot of feelings about this show. Deacon Claybourne was dictionary-definition “TV-handsome white dude” and I loved the overwrought spelling of his last name.

In 2005, Facebook was literally only accessible to college kids. You could only access it if you were currently enrolled at an Ivy League school. It only became available to the general public in, I think, 2006.

just clarifying my intent by name-dropping Gruet — def not to burnish indie cred. I just find it impressive that something so good is so affordable. Also, if I didn’t mention that it was from New Mexico, it would be easy to mistake it for something French bc of the name.

To clarify, I’m not giving advice, I’m reporting peoples’ opinions and my own experience.

Yes. To be honest I feel like I didn’t really do this part of the experience justice in the piece. There was one day about three days after the abortion where I was pretty much a wreck — not BECAUSE of the abortion, just because of the hormones. Wow. I was glad when that was over.

Yes! The Last Kingdom! It was pretty good!

I’ll grant you, I made a provocative statement there! Might have been burning a little hot when I wrote it, even! But I think we are in basic agreement that women should be entitled to make their own choices when it comes to parenting. I certainly don’t have a stake in how anyone else does their thing. The problem

Parents bring their own diapers :) But the gov’t pays for the rest.

Totally fair point — and I don’t mean to insist that you have to want to stay home for a year. I only mean to say that for those who *do* want to stay home for longer than, say, 3 months — and that should absolutely include fathers — it’s shitty that they have no options for doing so.

Montreal IS different. I’m a dual citizen and spent most of my life in the States, and many of my friends live there. I wrote this really with them in mind, and as a reaction to what I see on social media. But you’re right — it’s less uptight in Montreal and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of my Montreal mom-friends