
The most recent mistake I made was putting the RAM in the wrong slots, so they wouldn’t work as dual channel.

While I’m glad you enjoyed the book, I’m now very upset about those cookies.

Thanks to articles like this my interest was peaked and I listened to your book over the weekend. It was a GREAT listen! Of the games you covered I’ve only played Diablo, Dragon Age and Destiny but that didn’t stop my enjoyment of hearing about the heartbreak of Star Wars 1313 or how the specific culture of the

Like these bananos?

Perfect for Mustangs leaving a Caffeine & Octane.

Banana brakes would make peeling out so much more fun.

I have been hoping for the opportunity to deploy this custom GIF in the most appropriate environment. Sure, I’ve used it before. But this... This is fate!

I would love to customise my brake calipers with an image of a hotdog or banana. Just for a laugh

Is this not the equivalent of wearing silly socks under your same-as-everyone business casual?

And if you do have a chronic illness, an ER is the last place you want to end up because ER docs (very reasonably) can’t deal with you. I have asthma and refuse to go to the ER when my lungs get bad because it will be a waste of time (here’s some albuterol and O2 that you already have, go see your primary soon) and


Here’s what I don’t understand about insurance. A real life example:

I tried explaining this to my GOP in-laws years ago. They kept screaming about Death Panels and rationing healthcare (yea, Fox News aficionados), and I am like “there is already someone that does that, it is your insurance company”.

No sirree, I don’t want my government getting in between me and my healthcare. I’m perfectly happy with a private corporation that has a clear profit incentive to deny me coverage.  

True story.

Our customers were angry that we weren’t delivering all the software keys they’d bought, and demanded refunds. I found that it was impossible for the licensing team to do it right. I alerted everyone I could to the problem. We built a team to try and fix it, tried for 8 months but only got a kludge in place, because

I’m in an office, but remote from my team. I’m essentially embedded in another department, physically not functionally, based on where I sit. The people around me re great, but the leader of that org - Associate VP level - is loud AF when he comes to check on his team. If I’m on a call - leading or just participating

hey do me a favor, can you send me a note with your SSN and blood type, please? thanks! 

Redacted schmeeschmacted. I’m sorry to see your meeting with Donald Trump Jr. wasn’t more productive. Don’t worry, you’ll find that Russian pee tape. You just have to dig DEEPER.