
Rosie is a woman with a non-apologetic opinion. Rosie did not go far enough. The war on women includes a war on women’s health. Birth control is used for more things than conception; such as IVF cycling, HRT, PCOS, and endometriosis treatments. Terminating a pregnancy has many motivations. For instance excavating a

Damn straight. I have always tried to make sure the products of my menses don’t make a mess, because blood is a potential biohazard, but I have always felt that the shame heaped on us simply for doing the bleeding is absurd. A leaking pad or tampon is hardly the end of the world, especially if the woman in question

It isn’t the greatest. The only time I fellate-puke is when I’m really out of control drunk, which isn’t often, at least. I guess there’s some inherent misogynistic troll inside my head telling me, “JCM, no, you can’t throw up on this penis or it will HURT HIS FEELS! He can’t know!” (despite the fact I’ve been with

I am so disappointed the younger generation didn’t run with our nickname for the college futon, the flip-n-fuck.

The only thing that could make this story more British would be for him to have driven into a pond after watching England lose on penalties.