
I’ve actually been kind of impressed with my area. I live in MO, about 5 blocks over the KS/MO state line, so I’m in and out of both sides all the time. I don’t think I’ve seen a single Trump sign, some Clinton/Kaine signs, and most of the downticket signs are for Dems or more moderate Repubs. So even in this red

My SIL used to do that all the time. When she’d start in about the “must be nice...” I’d just slap a big grin on and say, “Yes, it really is!”

I like to say “I can’t bear children.” People can do what they want with that.

My mom was the worst about it until she said something about it to a friend of hers and the friend asked, “What do you think you did to her to make her like that,” and Mom handed her her ass. She hasn’t bugged me about it since.

My in-laws decided that the only reason Mr. Kat was interested in marrying me was that I had to be pregnant. 25 years later, and I’m sure they’re scratching their heads at the longest pregnancy ever (they’re not bright people).

I wonder if that was a nod to the rumors that next season we’ll see the Romanworld and Medievalworld from the movie. IIRC, some ancient king painted his slaves gold and they died of the lead in the paint or something like that.

Yep, it took me a year and a half to pull my paperwork together, and that’s with having other relatives who belong (one ancestral line has been temporarily “disabled” until they sort out an issue with two people with the same name but in different colonies, so I ended up starting from scratch on a different line).

Thank you. This drives me bonkers.

Oh, see, that’s different - they were using the inflammatory language that Newt practically invented in 1994. It’s when they turn it on him that it’s a problem.

Now playing

Connie Dover’s version of The Holland Handkerchief gives me chills every time I hear it:

“Thoughts and prayers.”

Leigh was fan-tab-ulous as Dorothy Parker, though. Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle is one of my all-time favorite films.

Yeah, they’re a PITA. Thanks, DAR...I’d never have learned that without you! ;)


I noticed her too. Every time she noticed the camera on her, she’d fiddle with her gloves like she was trying to pull focus.

I had the impression he went off-script at the point where he kind of rifled through his note cards and said something like, “These are really corny.”

I think Liz is going to outlive him. Actually, I think that’s been her plan all along.

I want to see him direct it at an empty chair.

God, he looks like the uncle your parents whisper to stay away from at holidays in this clip.