
Reality has a well-known pro-vaccine bias. It’s disgusting; reality should really be willing to hear both sides on this issue.

Biased in favor of... facts?

There are women who also don't want children! Signed, a 32 year old non-children-having person

Ain't that the truth. They really believe men are magical creatures that don't age badly and sperm doesn't ever have problems finding an egg.

or that physically, old men are gross and have more problems getting their junk to work, having stamina and have a lower libido than the women their OWN age. you dont have this bullshit with older women, you just have a lot of cultural sexism built around women to tear them down, raw ugly sadistic misogyny.

"As a 43 year old guy your goods are rotting, too."

Why can't you date late 20s/early 30s women who don't want children?

I admit, I do. The thought that either my partner is settling for me because he'd rather have a hot 22 year old but hey, settled for what he could get, OR that should I ever be single again I'm essentially screwed in the dating market (because men my age won't touch me with a 10 foot pole) is thought-provoking and

Same. I think this data is more to this point:


Who the fuck are these creepy-ass dudes?

I completely agree rehabilitation is always better than punishment - always. Prevention too.

The MRA goal, with all issues they trot out their talking points about, is only one: undermine feminism in the hopes that it would catch with the wider population, you'd manage to turn the tide and send women back to the kitchen so you can enjoy proper male privilege like your father and grandfather did.

I don't think they acknowledge the level of trauma that it causes victims; that they can only conceive of sex in a positive light because they're male, and therefore the prosecution of rape is a persecution of male sexuality.

Translation: pity the poor poor rapists! won't someone think of the poor poor rapists!

Someone, somewhere actually dismissed that horrible thread. :) We should all agree to 1) never, ever reply to an MRA or a troll (they appear identical, so don't both attempting to discern which he is), 2) ALWAYS report the link to the helpdesk. Always. I think we need to be our own grey system.

If you think the MRAs have any actually planned goals you are giving them too much credit. They rail against anything without any sense of past stances they have taken or consistency.

It's pretty much as simple as that. They hate women, they hate that they desire women, and they hate that they can't get close enough to women to take that hate out on them personally, so they come here to spew. There, take that, women.

Yup. No sympathy for these guys.

Dude, I am like, cackling with glee over here. Let the little shits rot in prison, because they deserve it, and let this be an example for other sentences to come.