
My cousin dated Rocco Nugent, and holy shit, if you think Ted is bad you should get a load of his wife.

Surgeon here. Baby should be just fine.

Good. Fuck that coward. I hope this brings his victims and their families peace.

As someone who is on heavy pain medication, I completely understand the urge to blame yourself, but don’t.

Go Mr. Regina.

Could you do it by email? Not necessarily right now, but so you don’t get so emotional that the conversation turns into an argument.

She was making a - very poorly timed - Of Mice and Men joke.

At that age she probably didn’t know she did anything wrong until little bun bun showed distress. She probably really thought she was hugging her.

Wanna know some weird Silicon Valley shit? The reason why they have the route disputes is Santa Clara County deemed Stanford’s campuses a fucking city.

Okay, so I actually, you know, went to Stanford. What you’re saying isn’t true. There is a small amount of conservatives and so-conservatives on campus, but the overwhelming majority are liberal.

My cousin played AAU with Isaiah, and as a result Chyna was there often. She was by far the sweetest little girl I had ever met. This is absolutely heartbreaking.


Yeah, you might want to wait for the investigation, cowboy.


I read “Russell Westbrook” as “Russell Wilson” and was very confused for a moment.

Yeah, the reason you’re not playing football is that you were caught on tape committing domestic abuse.

“Do you believe in miracles?! YES!”

Ten year old me just creamed.

While I sincerely believe anyone with bipolar disorder get help, there are people who go untreated who live perfectly stable and productive lives.

My husband is bipolar. I sincerely know that pain. I don’t know you, but I love you, and you’re doing a great job.