
Even when she went by her deadname and she was out as trans; she had transitioned during the Live Britney Alone video, but she started to live as a male again for her and her family’s safety.

You know when you’re making a dish - let’s imagine a soufflé - and you make sure to follow the instructions to a tee, while your buddy only looks at how much of what ingredient and how long to bake?

Imagine going to law school, getting your JD, passing the Bar, joining a prestigious firm...and then having to explain dry humping on the record.

I easily passed for 20 at 13.

To be fair, as A Black Person, I truly thought they were related...because they’ve been saying that since the late 90’s. And my aunt who works with Snoop’s auntie - of the genetic type - calls Shad her nephew.

I realized I was An Old when I realized that I thought he, Lil Pump, and Lil Peep were the same person.

Bodega Hive would like to counter with: BLICKY WITH THE STICKY UP.

You are seriously projecting and should either go take a rest, take a walk, or take a walk-in appointment.

Both of you two are making my eyes roll so hard that they are about to gently bounce their way down the stairs, beyond the milk-and-mail door, beyond the valet overhang, down-and-around the driveway, into the carriage way, be clipped at just the perfect angle by a neighbor’s golf cart for the vitreous humour to propel

However, a sizable chunk become emotionally stunted and can only socially identify with kids that are the age they were at the time of their trauma. That being said, most don’t become sexually involved with those Peter-Pan-peers.

“...is blinkered.”

Most likely because at the time of the offense he was 18, (not defending it;) and he’s clearly...well....stupid.

So, for everyone who is saying that he has “mommy issues” based upon his victims’ ages - not so much. Everything in this world is about sex. Except for rape. Rape is about power.

I was accused of faking my pregnancy until the thing popped out. I still have those screenshots.

Dammit Kinja.


I live in Almaden Valley, they definitely treat the area like home-sweet-home. Especially the golf courses. They literally know which streets to take to get from one course to the other.

They won.

I was watching live, too. This is precisely what happened.

Two bats and three balls.