
How was he able to bring a camera into the room during the c-section? Shame on him and that hospital and doctors for allowing it. 

I think some people might take the lesson from this that being successful at business and engineering often comes from someone who thinks differently from other people and breaks social norms.

The more I hear about him, the less I want a Tesla or to do anything with any of the things he’s touched.

Musk sharing further proof of him being a sociopath is an odd choice. Of course his ego overrides any sort of embarrassment at behavior that defies rational thought.

I think the pro-life/pro-choice binary, inclusive of that very terminology, has been a fixture of American politics for wayyyy longer than single-payer/“Medicare for All”, which, I suspect, will probably make it very difficult to rebrand.

The fact they think it’s the WORDS that are making them look bad instead of the actual positions they take is fucking hilarious.

It’s funny watching the GOP try to make this work without admitting how boned they are. Their voter base is the smallest it’s ever been, their voters are too distracted with culture war shit and conspiracy theories to trust anyone anymore, so they can’t rely on their gullibility to bring them to the polls anymore, and

I’m sure they’ll be able to effectively pivot to a new, less baggage-y term... right after people widely adopt “X” and stop saying “Twitter”, “Tweeted”, and "Tweet".

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) also appeared a little confused that the term is rightly associated with total bans on abortion. “Many voters think [‘pro-life’] means you’re for no exceptions in favor of abortion ever, ever, and ‘pro-choice’ now can mean any number of things,” Hawley said.

Abortion crushes every time the public gets to vote on it. The reason is these polling numbers showing evangelicals being strongly against abortion are a bunch of baloney. Of course evangelicals will answer an abortion rights poll in the negative, but the truth is they’d rather not have their daughters get knocked up o

“Pro-life you say? How many gun control laws have you voted in favour of? How many Medicaid expansions have you voted in favour of?”

“Pro-Life”, you say? So, how many have you adopted so far?

Every time a Republican opens their mouth on this issue, they insist “pro-choice” means “elective abortion up to and after birth.” But they want nuance on their side?

No one is saying Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis have to get up and call Danny Masterson an evil person. His crimes are not their responsibility.

I can say with 100% confidence, if my brother, who I love very much, was convicted of raping 3 women, I would be done with him. As a survivor of 8 years of childhood sexual abuse, what you’ve just described here is exactly the reason I’ve never told my siblings anything about what happened to me as a child. I do not

They didn’t need to denounce him, they COULD have just kept their mouths shut in the first place and gracefully declined the letters.

I am not going to address the bizarre comparison that you are making with minorities on death row in particular, given US history of racial policing, racist criminal justice systems and the ridiculous amount of those minorities who were innocent and spent all of their lives behind bars, awaiting a death sentence and

They could have presented “another side “ without gushing about his “character” and making meaningless statements about trusting him with their children. They could have simply stated that their experience of the co-worker and friend they’ve known for decades is different from that presented in the court proceedings,

Let’s not conflate expecting friends to “immediately denounce” those who do bad things with expecting them to refrain from making public statements discrediting the victims. I know there are those who expect the former as well, but there is a distinction worth making here.