
The Jonas Brothers always struck me as three lobotomies. I dunno, is it just me? Something important seems to be missing. Never understood how someone as dazzling cool as Sophie Turner married one of them.

The fact that he’s sending out people to call her a bad mom says so much about him. She should be should be happy to be rid of this asshole.

I never said it was. See, rare as it may seem, some people apologize or say they’re sorry when they are part of a situation that they’d prefer never happened, even if they weren’t responsible for any actual injury and would still do the same things, because that’s how nice people do. This does not make the apology

Guy graduated from two Ivy League institutions but gets stumped by a teenagers simple question. Lack of morals has that effect.

Amen. If the media were actually doing their jobs, it would be nothing BUT gotcha questions.

Yeah, like the question itself was very well crafted and clear. There’s no sense in it that it was intended as confrontational or as trying to force the governer into a corner of some kind as any reasonable person would have assumed that DeSantis had a prepared answer for this particular inquiry.

Decades ago I met Running Hair Dye, aka RUDY, when he was first running for mayor.  I politely asked him a question about NYC government, and, him being clueless on the subject, made a nasty, angry answer.  A hint of things to come!  There used to be a time when there were decent Republican candidates and office

This should really be bigger news. DeSantis is such a snowflake that he can’t handle hard (but straightforward) questions from a teenager. The man is no good at politics and clearly doesn’t care about the well-being of kids. If I were that kid’s mom, I’d go straight to the local news about my son being manhandled.

I always found it odd when republican politicians, like Sarah Palin, would gripe about “gotchya” questions. Like, excuse me, but becoming president means having to answer even more difficult questions without resorting to such antics much less over one coming from a 15 y/o boy.

He’s not apologizing for asking the question, he’s decently apologizing for the media furor it caused, because all he wanted was an answer, not to become the story. That DeSantis’ team then Streisand-ed the situation is not his fault.

It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone by this point that DeSantis is a fascist thug who apparently retains a fascist security squad. What democracy-minded American in their right mind would vote for this loathsome creep?

I’d add that this happened in the last election cycle - and the main motivating cause is running again while being faced with multiple charges including ones directly linked to the insurrection.

Uh...did you support January 6, or, failing that, spend months kissing the ass of the guy who organized and hoped to primarily benefit from January 6? No? Then you don’t need to justify it. Ron DeSantis does.

“Well, I’m a mother too. I know what you’re experiencing, and we’re all very afraid for our children—even if they’re exaggerating,” Casey reportedly told her...

Nothing says free speech and American family values like silencing, intimidating and potentially assaulting a minor while calling him a liar in front of a bunch of people that witnessed the interaction.

Hey, it was a different time. A grosser, creepier time.

Paul Rudd almost a decade older, and he looks better than this weirdo.

You can do dumb shit like this when you don’t have to worry about food, housing, health care, and education because you’re not slaving away at a job where you work 70 hours a week for 40 hours worth of meager pay.

The dude comes across as “insightful” as Chinese emperors chugging down mercury elixirs in order to achieve immortality:

I hope this guy gets into a terrible accident or contracts an incurable disease that leaves him with just enough time left to reckon with his impending death.