
We can only hope that his mental faculties stay 100% in tact and he ends up trapped in his deteriorating useless tiny turtle body for the rest of his miserable days.

I’d be more inclined to agree if McConnell wasn’t arguably the most important figure in how the GOP has corrupted every level of government, merrily destroying people’s lives in his sick pursuit of wealth and power. There’s no karma or great cosmic balancing going on here. A shitty person is approaching the end of his

That man had a TIA. Now, I loathe Mitch McConnell and I’m not even from your country. However, this is not something to mock or celebrate (not that either of those things happened in this article). If the GOP has any sense of decency, they’d move McConnell from his duties and get him to care.

Get the person he wants to register as a Republican, appoint them, then they change party. Wouldn’t be a damn thing they could do once the person was seated. After that, the Senate decides.

I don’t care if it’s painful, I just hope that in his remaining moments of lucidity he is well aware of what’s happening to him. What’s all that power you amassed good for now, Mitch?

Replacement hip, hooray.

I love that he froze after being asked if he’s running for re-election in 2026.

“Hmm....heaven seems to be rather smoky and smelling of brimstone...”

Given how McConnell is one of the most ethically-corrupt senators who has ever existed, it’s too bad that his freeze-ups aren’t permanent.  But who knows?  Maybe his reboot episodes will become so severe, that they will become permanent.  We can only hope.

Agreed. Once you’re past 80, go sit on a porch somewhere and tell kids to get off your lawn.

This ghoul has got to go. And I hope that the governor plays knuck if you buck with the republicans there and appoints a democrat to replace McConnell.

i love how at the end, his aide says, “anyone else have a question? please speak up.” like the problem wass that he couldn’t hear the question. uh, sure, jan.

I’d be more in favor of a combined 20-30 years in any elected offices, total. More than ample time for someone to make their mark on history/society/etc. Wanna be pres? Best get busy.

A pillow and a well-meaning aide could fix this.

He caught a glimpse of the eternal damnation that awaits him.

I hope he’s in terrible pain.

He’s clearly having micro-strokes or seizures of some kind. But there’s no chance of him stepping down. Guess we’re all just going to see how this plays out.

One of them should yell “Green light” the next time it happens. And it is going to keep happening. I don’t know what exactly is going on with ol’ Mitch, but it’s probably not something that gets better.

It would seem his deal with the devil is nearly up....

If you’re gonna keep up the “I’m fine” charade, the literal least you can do is make sure Mitch’s clothes are tailored properly to accommodate what’s clearly rapid weight loss.