
Weed isn’t a performance enhancing drug. It makes no sense for them to test for it in sports. 

I’m not committed enough to the future of the human species to care much about the fertility rate. Fewer, or even no humans on the planet doesn’t seem like such a terrible future given... *broadly gestures around*

Father? More like sperm donor, Musk probably cannot even remember the names of his kids and is more interested in being a edge lord than a parent.

These are the same people in a mad dash to replace any and all jobs possible with A.I. even if the A.I. is woefully incapable of competing with a human doin the same task. Eliminating the amount of available jobs while demanding massive increases to the population sounds like a fun way to have a ton more homeless and

He’s got to be only two or three more such nights away from hoarding his urine like Howard Hughes. 

Just pure corporate worm brain.

Not sure if this will change your mind, but if you are still evaluating facts...

a shamefully racist desi courting the audience who would have seen his parents and grandparents banned from coming to America. Absolutely ridiculous.

as someone who lives in one of those areas, they represent the past that they allow nostalgia to cloud them into thinking actually happened. that they can go back to the happy times they misremember of plentiful low education jobs that can support a family on one income. I compare it to when an unattractive guy gets

Because elitists are those educated folks (mostly in the cities thank goodness) who look down on you and rig the system so you don’t win the lottery and stuff.

Personally, don’t believe he’s a threat. I just think the MAGAts or even most Republicans will NOT vote for an Indian guy. I don’t care how much of a useful idiot he is.

While I agree with most of this article, I had to take pause at “ my theory that many fascists are just failed artists.:” Your theory? This is an ancient cliche used to persecute artistic weirdoes by trying to associate them with Hitler and whatnot. Stop it. In truth, he’s not a failed artist. He’s an

Have Republicans asked to see his long-form birth certificate?

It’s all made up. What they supposedly want, what they don’t want, etc. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

... yeah, if Trump is out of the race for one reason or another and his base can get over Ramaswamy not being white,

Ramaswamy is doing the absolute minimum you’d expect of a serious candidate - listen to a stylist, hit the marks, blather the standard blather, fake some charm, don’t piss off Trump, shake the hands and kiss the babies, make the fundraising and endorsement calls.


Unhinged really does accurately describe the mentality and behavior of the conservative collective ever since The Orange One descended that gilded escalator. Their conservative, hateful, and dangerous fervor seems meant to scorch the earth to bring about their dark, dank kingdom of lies. They are completely detached

Every single presidential cycle there’s some wacko dude who emerges from the bottom of the pack and looks great 18 months out. The only one who’s ever won was Trump. The rest all flame out because it’s a long frigging campaign and the dominant paradigms tend to win out over time.

Why do all these so called hardworking blue collar middleclass folks who despise elitists keep gravitating towards billionaires?