
One of the reasons hardcore Christians, especially Catholics, hate yoga is because yoga wants you to feel whole, centered, and content.

“I know that Coach does not want to undermine the readiness of our U.S. military,”

In (sarcastic) defense of the coach item:

Yeah, this is all totally normal...organized religion is a front. A front for groomers (take your pick of what kind), a front for profit (tithing is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard 0f) and a front for pedos. Fuck all religions.

Boy am I glad we got Krysten “Give me a wad of cash and you can use me like a hand puppet’ Sinema’s opinion on this.

Weird man in a dress who likes to perform in front of people and cannot be trusted with children and young women: Definition of a priest.

I was thinking it was a drag queen for sure!

Damn liberals and drag queens.... oh, wait a minute...

And I watched the movie so it’s paramount that I pluck out my eyeballs and destroy them!

I’m not entirely sure how writing moronic shit based on what some paint-huffing half-wits posted on twitter counts as giving her “a bit of grace”.

So just to be clear: The Black man who is the ACTUAL victim -and the only person who should have an opinion- is saying “leave her alone”, but the great ”student of journalism” is deciding to ignore his words so we can perform white guilt by finding a nice white lady to pillory?

In other news, calls for Ralph Fiennes to be tried in the Hague for war crimes for his role as Amon Goeth in Schindler’s List have reached a fever pitch.

Funny, innit?

Unless Sandra Bullock hired someone to give this performance for her why should she return her Oscar? I feel terrible that this drama is playing out during what is undoubtedly the worst week of her entire life. People on the internet are the worst!

Someone has to be blamed and the new person is Sandra Bullock who didn’t write the story or have anything to do with production (other than being hired to play a role).

No one is asking Tim McGraw to make a statement even though he played the husband who is just as a greedy and awful.

Opening the “any portrayal of a real person that turns out to be embellished or not 100% accurate is invalid can of worms probably isn’t worth the time (especially since you’ll tie yourself into knots defending someone you already like who gets caught up in it)

I don’t get why the author is trying to call into doubt whether or not Sandra Bullock knew about this situation. How would she know? She was given a script, and probably met the woman she pretended to be a few times in controlled situations where that woman would have been pretending to be great.

It is absolutely not an exaggeration to say she had nothing to do with this.  She got a script, was given a role, and performed it well.  Why assume otherwise without a shred of evidence?  What exactly did you learn as a student of journalism?