
I have no idea where you’re getting the impression that this article is supportive of Lizzo

Depends on what issue she is going through. Some mental illnesses can change your perception of reality in weird ways.

Yeah, except in those cases she’d definitely would have had a higher chance of survival. Bit hard to outrun a bullet. 

Ted.  Ted, Ted, Ted.  The party who is afraid of voters would be the one actively attempting to stifle the rights of voters in every state in which they have the power to do so.  You know, the party that tried to send slates of fake electors to DC to delay or reject the results of a certified-50-times-over election? 

My sister is an attorney, and she told me judges frequently pack heat given that they have the power to really negatively affect people’s lives. She knows of one judge who keeps a handgun underneath his bench. 

Oh, thank God, what a relief. I was worried someone might make the argument guns are used impulsively. But apparently he could have murdered his wife with a chair, while his adult son sat by and watched, I guess? Fortunately it didn’t come to that.

JFC, what the hell do you need 48 firearms and 26k rounds of ammunition for.... Going to start a little private war?

Hey, every Republican saying and screaming that we Democrats better be worried because this can happen to your Presidents to:  Do it.  Go on, if it is so easy and our Presidents are as corrupt and treasonous as you claim, do it.  I dare you.  Impanel a Grand Jury in Rural Oregon and try to get Obama or Clinton or

People are messy and do dumb things all the time. I blame myself for reading this.

She looks like an evil doll that’s been granted life by a children’s cursed wish.

I watched to the videos too, and found them very tongue in cheek.

So two sides of the same butthole in so many words.

Yeah “how dare the wife of the man I’m having an affair with be mad at me” is an odd take.

the man’s wife, who allegedly called the actress a “lunatic.”

Umm...glad she pulled over because she’s clearly in no state to drive. Other than that, no comment lol. Very weird woman.

Taryn Manning recently went on a bizarre MAGA supporting rant. The new licking outburst is oddly the more acceptable the two.

Agreed. It’s been the GOP’s strategy at least since the Great Re-Seating after LBJ (a Democrat) passed the Civil Rights Act; the dyed-in-the-wool white supremacists infesting the Democrat party of the day abandoned the party en masse and tried to form their own “Dixiecrat Party”. That failed badly enough that they

I see this comment a lot on here, but she’s half Italian/half Sephardic Jew…and she looks it as far as I can tell? Could she ease off the spray tan? Probably. But this doesn’t seem like blackfishing to me. Nor does she look “ethnically ambiguous.” She looks like her Wikipedia “Early life” description. 

I’ve blocked most of Glee from my memory, but wasn’t Lea Michele’s character adopted and Indina Menzel’s character had been a teen mom? A 16 year age difference would make sense in that scenario.