
No way, Fleur. I go to be seen.

For every good Kennedy there are about ten duds. Just ignore this idiot. We really dont need anymore off label Kennedys. R F K Jr's already trying to destroy the democratic party his relatives helped build.

Clearly this dude was a legacy applicant, for sure. Really poor timing to post this inane loser take less than a week after the SCOTUS banned affirmative action.

My first thought too. Has this dude READ Mein Kampf? Then I remember that there’s always someone who believes they can convince the GOP/Nazis that they’re “one of the good ones”. Enjoy the crumbs, asshole.

Godwin is 100% ok with calling actual nazis nazis.

This guy deserves every single leopard that comes for his stupid face. 

Republicans...the new Nazi Party. Examples:
- Banning and burning books

It’s like chickens campaigning for Col. Sanders. Makes no goddamn sense. 

Those parallels require a level of self-reflection of which I fear these folks are not capable.

Awestruck. I found it kinda hard to believe when reading so I am glad that the video was posted along with it. This man is wretched beyond comprehension. He might want to start by reading how Hitler regarded Black people. The craziest part is that constituents actually voted this scum into office.

It’s quantity over quality. Which makes me seriously wonder why people think he’s a great person to be in charge of automotive and spacecraft design. (Fortunately, it seems there is some strong management very skilled at distracting him from most of the design choices at SpaceX.)

Not an IQ test, because IQ as a measure came about with some particularly icky eugenics nonsense. Perhaps an issue-based understanding-of-facts test? A few questions on the economy, a few on the environment, a few on immigration, etc.

I have encountered Diane Keaton at various events here in LA, and she is stunningly hip & glamorous in a way that doesn’t begin to be captured in photographs.

He just wants everyone to stop talking about his own stupidity caused his own website to DDoS itself after he quit paying the bills. He is a broke ass basic little bitch trying to cause a scene as a distraction, don’t fall for it.

Like a “bond villian” in a direct to video, low budget knock off staring Pauly Shore.

Evangelical Christians looking forward to the apocalypse should jump to the head of the line.  Or off a fucking cliff.

I know someone who, when asked why he continued his environmentally unfriendly lifestyle while he had his young kids’ future to think about, said he’d be dead by then so he didn’t really care. Not his problem. So I don’t really buy that argument.

Deport Elon.

most of the celebrities you listed aren’t even american so why should they care about your national holiday?