
Men who go after pregnant women by attempting to apply laws not intended to criminalize activities while pregnant ... have an axe to grind with women.  And I say “men” because research will show this is overwhelmingly men.  Not 100% to be sure - there are outliers of course.  But I’d bet the number is north of 92%.

I have to say I was surprised to see Carpenter being charged in California, I would assume it’s a local MAGAT DA.

I might be inclined to agree with you, if there weren’t actual humans making death threats to this “influencer” based on the fact that they are... trans.  That feels less like a grift and more like... just supporting someone who has the worst America has to offer aimed at them (and I’m not just talking about Bud

The problem is GOP and conservatives that are having tantrums.

I completely agree with Mulvaney, but the cynic in me is busy wondering if this makes Kid Rock more or less likely to resume drinking Bud Light.

Budweiser hanging her out to dry didn’t help their bottom line. It also gets to her point about abandoning a trans person being worse than not hiring one at all; that holds business-wise as well as morality-wise….if they’d stuck with her they *might* have had a chance of at least picking up some business from people

“I’m an artist!” and refuse to serve anyone Catholic at my business?”

The conservative justices are so far up their donors asses that they aren’t even bothering to try and be “just” any longer.

Super weird how all the right-wingers screaming about “aCtIvIsT jUdGeS” a couple years ago have all shut the fuck up, huh?

So start denying service to christians because you don’t agree with their lifestyle.

The whole premise of the case is BS. Religious freedom to discriminate is NOT in the constitution, unless you are a not-for-profit religious organization. (See Catholics an no women priests.)

At a minimum, the attorneys should face punishment from their bar associations, if not disbarment.


The republicans will do anything, even lie, to get their “Christian” nation they want so bad. This is not a surprise in the least.

Neither of those two things are listed in the article, btw. 

Umm... perjury? Massive professional misconduct by attorneys? Slander/defamation proceedings?

Welp, now “grooming” is now another word that has completely lost its meaning

This isn’t a news source, it’s a blog. It’s completely opinion. 

I’m feeling the same way. Yes, the oversharing, and reaching out to young fans is inappropriate, and kind of gross. But is it grooming if there isn’t an intent of action?

I am an old, so I am not familiar with her work, or this controversy.