
Because they’re scared of his army of crazy-eyed Great Value Rambos

Very disappointed this isn’t Patrick Warburton’s magazine.

I suspect the only production company that might care would be those Hallmark Christian movie folks. Although, that would probably be the level of work Tara gets at this point. So maybe there’s a microscopic ounce of truth to her statement.

Bullock also married a neo-nazi and that didn’t affect her career.

I don’t know if this true. Like didn’t Sandra Bullock wait until her 40s to get married? Tara Reed doesn’t seem particularly talented to me. She did show up to several red carpets high though.

Reid’s reformed party posse who’ve somehow managed to become more than the butt of America’s jokes: Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, etc., etc.

Said the fucking hypocrite that went to Columbia for a her Bachelors in Art History.  Fuck her.  

Scientology is toxic and I hope those women get away from that putrid institution of lies forever.

How conservatives imagine college instructors: “Hi class, today we’re going to be discussing how capitalism is the root of all evil and the US should pay every Black person $1 million per year in reparations. And all cops should be shot in the streets.”


...not filling their heads with useless ideologies.”

It said without recognizing it is already doing that to its own children via religion. These people have zero self awareness. 

Please, those kids will just end up being broodmares for whatever right wing douchebags she arranges their marriage to. Any ‘college education’ would just be for them to develop the necessary social networking to ensure their membership to the white privileged upper elite class. Like all conservative control freaks,

I’m not sure why even Trump would use the number of divorces someone’s had as an attack? Is there an Oscar for being oblivious?

Trump is going to absolutely stomp DeSantis in the primary. The second he Tweeted (or whatever it’s called) “Tiny Ron is 5'7"” and DeSantis didn’t immediately fire back with “Fat Don is 350 lbs.” he was cooked. These angry white dudebros and their pick-me’s only respond to the appearance of strength, which is

This is the best thing I’ve read in days.  Like all of this could have also happened between three coworkers at the local Hot Topic, and the stakes would have been completely the same.

You can’t have fascism without infighting.

Sue everybody remotely involved. Sue the state, sue the hospitals, sue the doctors.

Gofundme for her living child. In the midst of all of this trauma to herself , she has a very fragile child to take care of.https://www.gofundme.com/f/make-ends-meet-and-catch-up-on-bills

Also I wonder what it was like for Gabby living in that home with Brian and his family. It seems that Brian could do no wrong. I doubt they didn’t know he was abusive to her. It seems like they just ignored it. It was their house they could have asked Gabby’s parents to pick her up and take her home.