
wow. Bari Weiss was involved in something that was both terrible, and chock full of lazy and outright dishonest reporting? Colour me “not surprised in the slightest”.

That’s Emily Yoffe's whole thing though. She moved on from traumatizing rape survivors to traumatizing trans teens. Or maybe it's both. 

It’s really disheartening for someone to have their own story taken from them, by their own parent no less, and they are only 16.

The Uber Xtians have to weave stories from whole cloth because none of what they want to pressure others into believing has any basis in reality. I’m wondering how much $$$$ dear old mom got from telling this load of crap.

My condolences to Alex, who has been treated shamefully.

The electoral process has always been flawed. That doesn’t negate the importance of voting in every election for the most qualified candidates you can find.

Backstabbing bitch. Just like Sinema.

When he tried to avoid taking the stand in the Dominion case he claimed the travel would be too much for him and the judge brought up this engagement and the travel associated with the wedding not being too much so he was apparently fine to take the stand.

They 100% miss it. I can’t tell you how often middle-to-middle-upper-class liberal-ish people have informed me that blue collar folks aren’t okay with trans people - as if trans folks aren’t often blue collar themselves. They really do buy the idea that all trans folks are teal-haired teenagers with money hanging out

It’s so funny to me, like they didn’t do a TON of research to make sure they can seem progressive while protecting their bottom line. Almost like...whew...stick with me here...most people are pretty fine with trans folks actually!

Oh please yes let's get a trans dude with a self-deprecating sense of humor to say the quiet part loud about guns as penis substitutes!

First of all. What a tool.

We need a trans person to snag a sponsorship deal with a gun manufacturer. That’ll get all the wingnuts to get rid of their guns.

in that case, a murder suspect was actually leading cops on a high-speed car chase

Have you ever listened to Christiano Ronaldo talk? The guy is basically a moron. A lot of these European soccer players are. They get put into these pro training centers at very early ages and have little or no formal education after a certain point. They grow up in a weird bubble where the only thing that matters is

Yep, just as I expected. He wants to create all the drama, and attention he can get. Like an emotional vampire, he needs that constant fix. *eyeroll*

Actually, “they” can only do this to you if you commit crimes.

I would’ve figured it was because she reads at a 3rd grade level.

What we don’t like is the idea that you might be using hot women as a vehicle for amassing more clout.”

Pete isn’t chasing clout, he’s buried under an avalanche of it emanating from the women he’s dated.

Wait, so Jezebel is blaming Pete Davidson for orchestrating a “blatant publicity campaign” and not, say, Kim MFing Kardashian? Or are you saying that him getting his picture taken with another famous person in public places like courtside at NBA games (and then Jezebel constantly reporting on it) is some sort of