
the Sun’s source also notes that the couple grew apart after coming into more money than either of them knew what to do with through the sale of Witherspoon’s production company Hello Sunshine

The punchline about getting an affluent white woman to own up to anything would have landed a lot better if it seemed like Paltrow was at fault.

Or maybe, just MAYBE, he actually is at fault here? There isn’t much to go on, and chat messages uncovered during discovery directly confirm that unlike their sworn testimony, Sanderson and the only eyewitness (who knows him) were ABSOLUTELY aware that Paltrow was the other party in the crash at the time it happened.


The adage “if it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck ... its a duck” applies here.  Scientology is a cult.

100% Agree. Moss is a pile of shit. But this site goes gooey over her.

I think our system is overdue for a reckoning on arbitration agreements. Yes, they can save a lot on litigation costs, and individuals should generally be free to contract as they see fit. But this is just unconscionable, and it's not the only example. 

A brutal yet honest take that I 100% agree with! I won't watch that show because of the fact she is a practicing member of that 'church'.

Why is this “Church” STILL allowed to do things like this? This is horrific! It just shows, again, that if you have a lot of money in this country(as the Scientologists do), you can get away with just about ANYTHING! Why would a US court make this poor woman go through this? I just don’t understand at all, and it’s

Elisabeth Moss is a sub human shit stain. Profiteering off the theater of fighting fictional human rights abuses while enabling them in the real world herself...she is absolutely vile. I guess she doesn’t need to dig too deep when playing demented psychopaths.

“As a Christian”...

Gosh, if a woman is really determined to abort her fetus, there’s really nothing we can do to prevent it, passing laws would just mess things up....

Aside from the fact not everyone can afford to stay at home and homeschool their kid or hire someone to do it, I can confirm as a college administrator homeschooled kids are the WEIRDEST and don’t adjust great to college life.

What a pathetic fucking slug.

nikki glaser is a great comedian

Nikki is a hilarious comedian. Check out some of her standup on NETFLIX!

Outlets are already saying that the shooter was trans, so prepare for more anti trans hate pieces.

Meanwhile, Florida's cracking down on a much graver threat to the safety of schoolchildren: anatomically correct 16th-century Italian sculptures...