
Talk about being a distraction. How to say “ignore the team this is really all about me” without saying it

Gotta admit, though, that Russia probably didn’t arrest her because she had some weed vapes. The whole thing looked like a hostage taking. With that as context, ol’ Kim there could have at least said something sympathetic. At least she was on brand with Baylor, a school whose men’s team was implicated in covering up a

Yes, in fact, I am pissy with her about it. She promotes harmful bullshit as aspirational. Is she a victim of massive societal pressure? Yes, but that does NOT excuse this horseshit. She has the money to afford a good therapist. If she wasn’t promoting her stupid “wellness” brand and personal practices, it would be

I think you’re kind of blowing right past the “wellness influencer” part. This wasn’t a red carpet interview where someone hounded her about her diet. This is a brand that she’s built and marketed as aspirational to make herself money at the expense of her followers' health (and her own, but she's rich enough to have

People are mad at Paltrow for promoting bullshit wellness as a means of her rationalizing her own insecurities and making a shit ton of money of doing so. Paltrow and those like her fear being fat so they promote lies about safe and accessible foods. They need to rationalize their orthorexia. That is why all the

Also shows that she’s so much better off without him.

As someone who was raised in a cult, the fact Tom Cruise hasn’t seen Suri in years is not shocking at all. GUESS WHAT? The cult mind set is often much more powerful than the bonds of familial LOVE. If Tom Cruise was in Suri’s life - I would find it rather shocking.

I feel the same way about Joseph Smith and the LDS cult. He wanted to molest and rape underage girls so bad he created a whole religion that said God said all that sex abuse was holy. 

Tom can see Suri. In their divorce agreement, he isn’t allowed to disparage or alienate Katie from Suri.

I saw some recent clip of Leah Remini saying [paraphrasing], “People think that Scientology has something over Tom Cruise, that he stays because he’s scared of what they have on him, but he’s in because of the power. Why would he give that up?” She gave an example, like, if Tom Cruise says, “I want a coffee,” it is una

Because what you wrote isn’t relevant to how the Church cuts off people who leave. Anyone who decides they want to have a life outside of the church is cut off from contact with anyone who still is a member.

Um, yes? Since it’s a shot at how weird and callous Scientology is. The author isn’t responsible for you inability to understand that.

Is there another way to frame it? Scientology dictated what children he has a relationship with. They decided he can’t have one with Suri, and Cruise (like a piece of shit) clearly accepted their decision.

Since articles never seem to point it out, perhaps for fear of being sued: Scientologists literally, literally, LITERALLY believe that spaceships came to earth hundreds of millions of years ago, and that’s the least stupid thing they believe.

I never said it was typical. I did say, however, that if both parties are mature about it and neither party did something egregiously wrong, there should be no reason why they can’t remain friends after if they so choose.

Is the 2023 Spanfeller mandate for Jezebel’s writers to constatly broadcast how immature and toxic they are in their personal lives?

I had 3 exes at my wedding last summer, the 4th wasn’t able to make it due to travel constraints.  Those are my bros!  The romance didn’t pan out, but there’s reasons these peeps are in my life.

I’m friends with most of my exes with the exception of ONE extremely abusive relationship soooo...

On one hand, I feel for all the women affected by this but on the other, this is what they voted for! It is a very red state.

Coward fucking doctors! Stand the fuck up! One of the reasons abortion became legal in the first place is because doctors defied an unjust law & provided the care that their oath obligates them to deliver.