Gray is not my color

What a total load of bullshit.

And yet, when he was nominated and Anita Hill told the truth about him, I heard so much “Black women just trying to keep a Black man down.” We should have laughed in his face when the words “high-tech lynching” came out of his lying mouth, but men were all nodding along. Oh well.

Other Americans: “You mean Supreme Court might go after more rights?”

I agree, powerful people need to be held accountable, and it’s up to the people to fight for it. And the fact that Republicans spent decades on this is my entire point - it takes organization and a long term plan to change things. It takes cooperation among your party. It takes working the ground game and making your

This is the dumbest shit I ever attempted to make sense of.

Put abortion clinics on Indian Tribal Lands.

This is just changing history. There has never, ever been 60 pro-choice Democrats in the Senate. Obama barely had the votes to pass the ACA, let alone get a controversial law passed that would have, at the time, seemed redundant given that Roe had been upheld by the court time and again at that point. There was zero

No he stands alone. None of the above can write laws to harm us. When his sorry black ass dies no one will care. I mean no one that counts. I and others will rejoice.

Whenever I think of Clarence Thomas I am reminded of the scene in a Soldiers Story where Sgt. Walters is speaking about the damage that one ignorant negro can do. Yeah Clarence that is you. When you die no one will mourn you. Not these white folks who’s ass you kiss, no one black will give a shit and quite frankly

Is he the worst black man in America?

COVID isn’t selective enough in who it infects and kills.  Just sayin’.  

Naw. I’m sure there’s some redneck murder junkie out there who would love to tell people she screwed the Kenosha Killer. I’m in Ohio. Never underestimate white girls with daddy issues.


Is he the worst black man in America? Most powerful example of skinfolk aint kinfolk but anyone else yall think takes the crown from him?

I am absolutely begging you to take a basic civics course.

No offense, but I’ve seen you make the argument that Manchin isn’t actually a Democrat so many times I guffawed reading this response. 

I don’t really feel betrayed people who would have voted for Bernie, but didn’t come out to vote for HRC (or worse, voted for Trump.) I mean, I don’t like those people—they are ejusdem generis with Republicans and basically garbagebut I can’t feel betrayed by someone who was never even on my side in the first place.

Unpopular (?) opinion. Covering such a somber topic in slideshow form to garner more clicks and ad revenue is pretty damn awful.

Motherfucker would vote to segregate his own drinking fountain if it pleased his GOP masters.

No one should be surprised. They said for thirty years if they controlled the court they were going to do it. And they did.