
When I was a foster parent the Chuck was the go to place for last minute birthday parties. It is absolutely amazing how many placements I got that were either on a child’s birthday or in the next few days. We had a list of other foster parents and friends with kids we would call for these last minute parties. The food

I think it’s just equally perplexing that they gave the trilogy to someone who clearly wasn’t interested in them to review. There’s no wide-ranging knowledge apparent in these reviews - only a misunderstanding and misrepresentation of these particular movies so complete I’d almost think it deliberate because the AV

But there weren’t any witches in this film, the Goodes are technically warlocks and no women use magic. If anything this film demonstrates how innocent women were killed due to paranoia and men in power outright lying, with one fabricating an entire story about her laying with the devil because she rejected him and

There is shame in loving cock IF you pay for sex workers and then turn around and sponsor legislation that makes life more difficult for queer people and/or sex workers.

I’m a Black man. Yesterday I was at my local grocery store, talking to one of the butchers, another Black man, and he asked me, “What do you think about Cosby?”

Was it a mistake, though?

You’ll have to remove the oldest traces of his presence first. It’s going to take a while, you might as well take the day off.

Will the Spanish cops need to get a special tool to fully remove him from the cell?

My computer disagrees.

Remember when Bush had a shoe thrown at him?  Good times.

here, here ... and now to the former POTUS for his honorable comments ...

I don’t even think she hates being trans or has regrets; I just think she hates being associated with any trans person who isn’t like her: wealthy, white, able to pass, performs conservative femininity appropriately. She doesn’t want to be lumped in with those freaks out there protesting and making Republicans

Quelle fucking surprise.

What really roasts me is that these are the people who invariably talk about how everyone else has to sacrifice. A bunch of kids get shot? Hey, sacrifices have to be made to preserve our freedom. An innocent person gets killed by the police, or some village gets blown up by mistake? You’ve got to expect a few

It’s a retread of an old idea, that people who are vaccinated will shed virus and make unvaccinated people sick. It started out as a way of managing to blame vaccinated people for outbreaks of measles, but that idea has found its way into the current batch of vaccine hysteria as well.

Seriously. What the actual fuck. A child abuses an animal and in response the ENTIRE family abuses a couple (one of whom we know is Thai) and their other animals, and this take is they might have thought it was weird to see a cat on a leash something something gentrification something influencers.

Lindsey Lohan as Liz Taylor.

Yes, the man who looked like Death eating a soda cracker was finally undone by his biracial granddaughter in-law and that doyenne of Evil truth telling, Oprah Winfrey.  Despite the fact that this man had one foot in the grave and the other foot on a banana peel, at the age of 99, he was totally, completely and

Or karma.