
I’ve kept my Indiana ID so I can vote blue for 10 years.

I moved to Chicago and homeless to get out of Indiana. I’ll die under a bridge somewhere before I ever live in Indiana again. Every single time I am there I end up in a fight.

His name is Jack Burton!

Too funny! Your dog is scared of nakedness! My dog is confused about why I have to wear clothes to walk him.

Zooey couldn’t sing her way out of a high school choir show. I have little hope this won’t be in hell to torture people.

I’m a housekeeper to and I be afraid it was a setup.

I clean houses and offices for a living. I would put all the money in a neat pile with a note telling them I found this under their things. I would be terrified the whole time I was being watched and set up. I truly don’t think this is cute or fun.

I truly believe you robbed of stars.

At least they are only taking your street parking? When Public Enemies was shooting in the bar across the street from my apartment the crew tried to stop me from going home. They said they were going to call the cops on me. I walked through a hot set and may have given Johnny Depp the finger.

That dog doesn’t get enough credit.

As a 31 year old I think Mike Pence and “Mother” will end in my time.

I have a stuffed Raja tiger from Aladdin. I carried it every where with me. Years later when I was around 12 we found the same one at a Big lots for a couple of bucks. My Grandma got it for me in case something bad ever happened to mine. It was never the same. I still have the original one though. You can’t replace

They have it is called vagina dentata.

Maybe the tension of not boning is what is helping their routines.

Did you not know about this?

I had a friend fall off his bed in school and broke his neck trying to suck his own penis. Maybe that’s what they afraid of? Although kids with broken necks don’t shoot up schools.

I’ll never forget my 21st birthday. God killed Jerry Falwell just for me.

Cheap tricks

Some days I hope this reality.

We know.